Chapter 39

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Jeshua's P.O.V

Valeria and I were waiting in the car for Matt, Michelle and baby Kenzie. They were able to go home today.

"Are you happy?"- I asked Valeria, but I could see how her brown orbs glowed with happiness, and excitement. She looked like a kid on Christmas day.

"Yes, I can't wait to have her home. She's just a cutie!"- she said squealing.

After 5 minutes Michelle came out in a wheelchair pushed by Matt. She had little Kenzie wrapped around a pink blanket, and she lay on her mommy's arm.

Valeria's P.O.V

They were finally coming out, I was jumping on my seat from excitement. My little baby was finally coming home, I could finally hold her for longer than they let me on the hospital. I could maybe sleep with her, feed her, care for her!

"Hey guys,"- Matt said, opening the door. Mackenzie's carseat was between Jeshua and I. I got out and Matt laid little Kenzie on her seat. She was wearing a cute cheetah print unisex with matching hat.

We got home after 20 minutes, Matt parked and I got out. Matt took the baby's carseat out and carried it home. Michelle got out, and follow her boyfriend.

"They look so happy,"- Jeshua said, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Aww, they sure do."- I said with dreamy voice.

"Would you have a mini Valeria with me?"- he asked, stopping and looking at my eyes.

I felt my heart stop, what? I felt my cheeks turn red, is he serious?

"What?"- I chocked out nervously. He smirked playfully at me.

"I want a baby with you Valeria, I want to have a baby girl with your beautiful hair, your eyes, and god that smile."- he said, holding my face is his hand. He looked at me like I was beautiful picture he couldn't get enough off.

I smiled widely at him, his eyes looked like they were glowing with happiness.

"Really?"- I asked, my heart full with joy. Is this boy really serious right now?

"Yeah, why would I be lying? I want to marry you and buy a big house to fill with beautiful babies."- he said, taking my hand in his. He looked at with much sincerity.

How did I get so lucky?

"You love birds! Are y'all done?!"- Matt asked chuckling. I looked embarrassed at him, Jeshua chuckled at my face.

"We'll be there Matt,"- I said, he nodded and went in.

"So, what do you say? Would you like to marry me one day and have little Cuties too?"- he said, smiling down at me.

"I do, I would love to marry you and have little babies with you one day."- I couldn't contain my stupid grin and neither could he.

"God, you make me the happiest man alive!"- he said taking me in his arms and swinging me around. I started to giggle like crazy.

"Jeshua put me down!"- I said, still giggling.

He stopped and look at me directly in the eyes, he lower me a little and planted his lips on mine, he was holding me as if I didn't weighted anything. I felt myself relaxing into the sweet kiss, his lips are like a drug, and he had me addicted to them. I could kiss him forever, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I heard him growled between the kiss.

"We...have to stop. We're in front of my house,"- I said, pulling away. I could still feel his lips on mine, this boy would be the death of me.

"You drive me crazy Valeria, I don't know what I would do if I ever loss you. I don't think I would be able to survive, I love you so Damn much,"- he said, lowering me to the ground but still not taking his eyes away from mine.

I got lost looking on his hazel eyes, and it was the kind of lost that's exactly like being found. He was just so perfect to me, his eyes were like starts that lighted your path. He kept looking deeply at me and it was if he was looking right throw me, all the way to my soul.

"Don't ever leave me, please."- he said, with pleading look. Why would make him think I'll ever leave him?

Don't he know I can't leave without him? His all I need, and all I want.

"Love, you're everything to me. I couldn't possibly let you go, I love your smile, eyes, personality, just everything about you is heavenly amazing. Why would I leave the most important thing in my life."- I said, cupping his face. I looked at him, he looked nervous. He smile foolishly at me.

"I love you,"- he said, taking me in his arms once again.

My favorite place.


Didn't I said I was going to update soon? (;
Here it is, I hope is good enough for you guys, I want to make you guys happy ☺

Please comment your thoughts, I really want to know what you guys think.

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Love y'all beautiful ducklings❤

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