chapter 49

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Jashua's P.O.V

I just had gotten home from our trip couple of hours ago, and was super tired. Our little reunion with our family didn't go as planed. Most of my uncles and aunts didn't show up, one of my aunts gave birth to her triplets. So, we were all in hospital until 4 in the morning, it was very stressing, but the result was beautiful. The triplets were healthy. That morning we all gathered in my aunts Amanda's hospital room, everyone was carrying the babies. There were two boys and a baby girl; Julian, Jeremiah, and Jules.

Nathalie was jealous at first because she wasn't going to be the baby of the family, but after being around the triplets she forgot about it. She was happy she would have someone to play dolls with her.

"Hey,"- Valeria said, coming in my room.
She was wearing a loss blue dress, God, I missed her.

"Hey baby,"- I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, and she did that same. I snuggled my head in the crotch of her neck, she smelled delicious.

"I missed you,"- I whispered in her ear, I looked up to look at her face.

She smiled sweetly at me," I missed you too,"- she said, she raised her hand and touched my face.

I closed my eyes and relax to her touch, then I felt her lips on mine. I respond immediately, I pulled her to me, and kissed her passionately.

She caressed my back, and I growled in the kiss. I felt her smile through the kiss, I pulled away breathless.

"I missed your kisses too,"- I said smiling down at her.

Her eyes sparkled with the thin light of my lamp, she was beautiful.

"I love you,"- I said, kissing her forehead. I lingered my lips there and the pulled away.

"I love you too,"- she said, pecking my lips.

We walked to my bed and lay down, she laid on my chest, and I caressed her back. She was my big baby, and I will aways protect her.

"How was your trip?"- she asked, tracing circles on my biceps.

"It was okay, my aunt had her triplets two days ago."- I said, she lifted her head up and looked at me.

"Triplets?"- she asked, her face was so adorable right now. She looked surprised, but also intimidated.

"Yeah, she had two boy and a girl."- I said, smiling.

She smiled, "Aww, what are their names?"- she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.
"Jeremiah, Jules, and Julian. They're really cute, you should come with me one day to see them."

"Most definitely, you know I love babies."- I sure do, and that's why I want to have them with you.

But I settled with an, "I know,"

We lay down and somehow we ended up falling asleep, Valeria wrapped around my arms.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.


It's been a long time since I did a Jashua's P.O.V, so here it is!

Hope you enjoy it, please Comment and vote.

I've notice that I lost a lot of reads and Comments and votes, it makes me sad that some people stopped reading this story, but I guess I can't do anything about it.

Thanks to all the still reading this story, thanks for not giving up on me, and supporting me to the end.

Expiciall shout out to all you beautiful people❤

❤Love u lots ❤

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