Did Someone Call For An Exorcist? Part 2

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The priest continues. 

"I am one of the five former owners trapped in this house. I..." His shoulders slump. He sounds like he's about to cry. 

"I lost my faith. I failed to exorcise a demon out of an innocent girl, and because of that, she died!" Furious pain sears his voice for a few seconds, only to be replaced by a quiet murmur. 

"I just need your help. I need my cross so that I can restore my faith and be released. I am trapped inside this circle of protection until my faith is restored." he finishes. To be honest, i'm beginning to empathize with this guy. He's broken. He watched someone die. He failed to save her. And now he's got to live with that for the rest of his life. Just like the YouTubers scarred by this house.

"For you to retrieve my cross," sighs the priest, "you must perform an exorcism."

"No!" we all scream. 

"Yes! You must!" Everyone's talking at once, loudly protesting their new assignment. Everyone, that is, except for Oli, who's seems so befuddled.

An exorcism?

"And for that," the priest explains once everyone's quieted down, "you need to gather holy water and a rosary. They're both in separate rooms, hiding on the second floor. This is my Bible." He hands it to Oli.

"Take it. You'll need it." Oli takes the Bible. 

"Now that you're on the path to do the exorcism, be aware..." The priest's sad brown eyes dart around the room. "Demons will be haunting you." Not again. Another stupid scavenger hunt from the stupid evil spirit house man. Free these owners. Do this exorcism. Find the stupid cross. 

"Let's split up."

So we do. While Joey, Oli, and Eva, and Lele head off in the opposite direction, I round up my remaining friends and barge through the first door I find. Matt shakes his head as we enter. 

"Oh, this room is just creepy."

For once in my life, ill say it, he's right. The room doesn't look like much, but it's got this undeniably spooky feel to it. It's as if the demons are hiding under the floorboards, waiting...

"Okay. We have the holy water." Tim says.

Sierra frowns. 

"Wait...this is the holy water?"

"No, this is the elixir of life," says Tim sarcastically.

"Timothy!" Sierra yells.


I take a deep breath. Holy water. Okay. We've got this. I know religion. For the first time tonight, i think I know exactly what I'm doing. There's a note now. Sierra, Tim and I look on, as Matt reads the instructions aloud.

"When the holy water is complete...

And then—it's back, the awful shadow, darting in and out of the room, banging against the walls like a bull trying to escape its pen. Sierra screams, she grabs Tim's hand, practically squeezing the life out of it. I slip my hand around Matt's arm and squeeze it hard, my other hand going over my mouth to prevent a scream. 

"Oh god, oh no." It's coming. It's coming to get us, it's going to kill us, stop stop please stop make it stop no please no... The lights flicker. A small white bottle falls off the mantlepiece and crashes against the ground. I unhook my arm from Matt's 

(A/n- wait, she took his arm, what the heck, I thought she hates him, why is she going to him for comfort?) 

and goes to pick up the bottle. 

Escape the Night (S1): "It All Comes Crashing Down"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon