Chapter 42

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Third Person POV
The group set out on their journey to find Glenn and Maggie, and possibly kill a few people.
Daryl was on his motorcycle with his son Kane holding tightly onto the back of him. Rick and Michonne packed into their Hyundai and set off on their journey.

Leaving Hershel with the two sleeping teens, Lucy and her parents and his youngest daughter Beth- which wasn't even much of a problem. Beth was quiet and kept to herself and Lucy's family was fine on their own.

Then to no surprise Hershel found Jenn laying warm in Carl Grimes' arms under the covers of their prison bunk. The two stirred in their sleep but still, their bodies refused to awaken.

Hershel chuckled silently and wandered out of the cell and off to find his daughter, who has been watched with a close eye ever since the mishap.

The prisons tranquility almost made them forget about the horrors of the outside world, and the problems the poor group is yet to face.

Jenn POV
"Carl?" I yelled running out of our cell and into the room where the group usually sits. "Hello? Where are you all?" I added.

"If this is a joke it's not very funny. I'm annoyed and hungry" still no answer "guys just come out seriously are we this immature?" I started to doubt the group was even inside the prison and walked out to the courtyard.

To my surprise all I could see was a car driving out through the gates and a herd of walkers slowly trudging over the fallen fences all moaning and groaning at me.

I quickly sat up and observed my surroundings. Carl isn't here. This can't be! They can't have left without me? "Carl!?" This isn't true.

I darted out of the cell faster than the worlds fastest animal and came to a halt at the gate to our 'dining room'. There sat Hershel, Beth, my love and Lucy and her parents were all sitting at the table all awaiting my arrival.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked tilting his head and taking a bite out of the syrup covered pancake.

"Nothing I- it was just a dream" I sighed, relieved. I sat beside him and quickly grabbed a pancake off carls plate and took a bite smiling at him.

"Hey!" He complained.

"So Jenn, tell us about this dream of yours!" Hershel said looking down at the pancakes and back at me.

"It was nothing I'm fine now!" I replied.

"Nah come on tell us, it can be our time passer." I sighed heavily but decided to tell the remaining group anyway.

"I had a dream, I woke up and no one was here. I thought y'all were playing some sort of joke on me so I kept yelling and searching for you guys. I give up looking inside the prison and went out to the courtyard.

All I could see was the car and everyone packed into it, driving away as a herd slowly but surely came to infect me. Nothing major!"

"Sounds like you're afraid of being left alone." Hershel said raising an eyebrow.

"I guess that's what it could mean. Anyways where's Kane?" I asked looking around the room.

"He went to Woodbury with the rest of the group to find Maggie and Glenn."Lucy scoffed.

"Woodbury!? Is he insane he could die! Who in the name of Christ let him do that?" I yelled demanding an answer.

"Blame your Father." Hershel replied.

"He'll be fine Jenn." Carl said putting a supportive hand on my back, although I quickly pushed it away not wanting comfort.

"He won't be okay! What if the governor finds out he's related to me? He'll kill him for sure!" I cried and so did Lucy as soon as I mentioned my brother dying. Her parents were soon there to hush and coo her.

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