Chapter 33

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Recap of last chapter

Carl is a murderer. He killed Lily in cold blood like he didn't care. He shot her to try and win me back. Then he blurts out that he misses her?

I'm just repeating thoughts right now, it just doesn't feel right.

Carl grimes will regret his decisions.

Carl pov

I walked down the cold dark hallways with only my almost dead flashlight to light the space ahead of me. I'm hoping to find something. Someone.

I've run away from the group because truth is, I honestly can't be bothered with them anymore. There's obviously no chance of anything between me and Jenn. And, well I guess that's it. A few metres from where I am I heard a bang. Possibly a gun shot, or a walker.

Luckily I grabbed Dad's revolver before I left. Although there isn't much ammo. I drew it, ready to shoot whatever comes in my way.

I stopped and tried to listen to footsteps that I previously heard as a soft bag was put over my head and I was grabbed and dragged back.

"Wait wait stop!" I yelled and surprisingly they did as I asked and pulled it off my head, still tightly gripping my arm.

"I want to join you. I ran away from my group, to join you!" I finally said.

They looked at each other intensely and laughed. "What would we want with a kid like you?"

"I don't know, I should be asking you. You're the one trying to take me hostage for the second time." I then said smirking.

"Alright alright we'll take ya back to the big guy and see what he says."

"Thanks! I won't let you down"

*Skip to a few hours later*

"So how are we going about this?" I asked, truly interested.

"I don't know. I reckon we wait until they're all having happy ol' dreams and get in there and do it. As simple as that!" Replied the leader, I now know as Bill.

"Sounds good! When's this going down, tonight?"

"Yeah. So until then you're staying in our sights kid. Nothing sketchy got it?"

"Yep" I replied popping the 'p'

*Skip 2 days*

Jenn pov

Rick found a few outsiders lurking the fences. He brought them in, apparently trusting them even after the last incident.

But it seems to be a woman in her mid forties, a man about them same and 17 year old guy and his 16 year old girlfriend. I would never come between people.

We've briefly talked we do actually have a lot in common. We like the same music genre;

Pop Punk

We like the same bands;

All Time Low

We The Kings

Fall Out Boy

Sleeping With Sirens

Pierce the veil

All existing bands of the past. Hopefully dead. Let's face it I don't want them getting hurt in this world. I want them to be okay.

We once talked about Alex Gaskarth's legs for a solid forty minutes, before bursting out into tears of laughter realising how stupid we were.

It looks like Carl ran away. He came back with a few 'friends' they planned to kill us in our sleep but Rick had us covered.

They're dead now...

I honestly wonder what's up his arse. He didn't give two fucks that there was a knife skimming the skin of his own father's chest! The council agreed it would be best to look him up in a cell for a while, until he calms down I guess.

I've visited him once or twice. Both times he's ignored me groaning and turning on the bed to face the wall or just sleeping. But I can feel something between me and the new guy, not a romantic thing, just a thing.

"Hey Jenn"

"Oh hey-" there was a short pause until he finished my sentence.

"Kane, I'm Kane" he replied smiling sweetly.

"So Kane. How are you?"

"Decent, yourself? Are you and that kid dating?"

"We were, things are complicated."

"I hope it works out for you two. In this world you always need someone you can rely on and I feel Carl is the one for you."

"I'm not so sure about that anymore." I said looking down.

He moved towards me and locked his eyes with mine.

"Look Jenn. I know it may be hard having someone as attractive as myself around and you can't jump at me" he paused and laughed.

"But you could atleast try to work things out. I don't know what I would do if I lost my Lucy. Just accept that he's your soulmate."

"Why don't you mind your own business and go and do little Lucy? Okay, bye bye now" I said smiling in a not so nice way.

Kane Pov


We were walking through a forest that had multiple tall multiple tress- I have no idea what type I didn't really listen much in class.

The wind was blowing softly making Lucy's hair cover her beautiful face. I moved it out of her eyes and kissed her cheek, she giggled and held onto my arm.

We continued walking crunching the leaves and twigs beneath our feet. We saw some sort of building up ahead. Maybe a prison?

We were all thinking the same thing apparently because we all ran up to the fence, out our fingers through the gaps and stared at the serenity and safeness behind the iron fences.

•~Flashback Over~•

A/N agh I hope you enjoyed but I'm kind of running out if ideas for this. Don't worry I'm not ending it I just need some of you to come up with ideas to where this could go! If you have any ideas, don't comment them dm them to me please!

This chapter is dedicated to DJ_Puma_Jr. He is the first place winner of my contest and the only winner who even bothered to answer my Dm's so thank you :) He may or may not be the person who is portrayed as Kane... There will be big story lines with him and I'm actually going to need to edit the first few chapters to fit him in so you can go back and read the new fixes soon!

Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment love y'all byeeeee!

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