Chapter 16

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Recap of last chapter

This time our lips collided and I pushed him onto the bed. I smirked under the heated kiss as he flipped himself on top of me. I let out a quiet moan showing I was enjoying it.

We heard dishes clattering downstairs. We stopped and I moved away,

"you'll get more tomorrow Grimes." I said softly slapping his face.


Carls dead friend- 0

I'm Back

Carl pov
I don't know what just happened but it helped with the process of getting over Jenn. So no I don't feel guilty, yeah me and Jenn weren't even together but she's dead so I'm trying to do somehting to help myself.

We awkwardly walked out for dinner, Carol was setting out paper plates which had carrots, potatoes and broccoli.

"The food looks nice ma'am." Said Lily trying to hide what we just did.

"Who is she?" Daryl panicked raising his gun.

"I'm Lily. Carl brought me in his dad said it would be okay for me to stay."

"Carls dad did say that Daryl now sit down." Remarked my Dad walking into the room.

"It tastes even better, oh and I'm Beth!"

"Hello Beth." Lily said very politely.

I sat down beside Beth while Lily sat beside Sophia.

"So anything going on with you two?" Whispered Beth into my ear.

"No! Of course not she literally just got here."

"Well the lipstick on your check says otherwise!"

I quickly rubbed my check and it was true, there was lipstick all over my cheek. Great now the whole group knows! I can't help how pretty she is, and I can't hide my love for her either. I'm not sure if this is even love but it's somehting. I'm not good at romance stuff I usually avoid that but this time it's different.

"Should I go outside and help Glenn with defence Dad?"

"Yeah just be careful and call if there's four or more walkers!"

Pft I can handle four walkers I thought while walking through the tombs out to the tower. I got outside and all the dead walkers from yesterday were gone. Somebody must've cleared 'em up.

I ran over to the tower Glenn was in trying not to attract any attention. I opened the door and climbed the tall ladders.

"Hey Glenn"

"hey kid what's up?"

"Nothing just thought I'd come up here, it's boring down there."

"You sure that's the only reason?" He asked suspiciously.

"Yes... No, Lily kissed me. The girl who was at the fence! I don't know what to do I'm still not over Jenn but Lily is beautiful."

"Woah there buddy. Just tell her how you feel and that you want to wait, I'm sure she'll understand."

"Yeah. I can do that, seems easy enough." I said then relaxing and looking over the camp for walkers.

I saw a quick movement in the trees out of the corner of my eye. I shook my head and blamed my imagination.

Jenn pov

I decided because of the situation I'm currently in I'll climb some trees. It worked with Sophia,it'll work now. I gripped the side of an oak tree and managed to manoeuvre myself up to the top of the tree.

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