Chapter 25

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Recap of last chapter
Lily was showing Carl around Woodbury treating him like the new prince in town. And Phillip, he has no problem with his 13 year old daughter having a boyfriend and having fun with him every once in a while. Nobody really knows what Carls deal is with Lily.

Does he love her?
Does he hate her?

He's apart of Woodbury now, he won't hurt Lily will he?

Bye Bye Lily
Lily pov

I walked out hand in hand with Carl Grimes. He admitted that pretending to love Jenn was apart of her plan to bring her here to me. I hope Dad hurt her. Emotionally, physically, I don't care- as long as she's hurting. I heard faint cries of his ex group from behind. I silently laughed at their expense and kissed Carl on the cheek.

"I love you Carl."

He stuttered but finally repeated me saying,

"I love you Lily."

"Want to help kill your group? Oh I mean ex group."

He scratched the back of his neck and and looked around.

"I don't think it's such a good idea. I mean all the memories are still very vivid."

"But babe you said you loved me, you said you would do anything to protect me!" I said balling my eyes out, again fake. "And the group is putting my life in danger, we have to do this Carl. Please for me?"

He finally gave in and agreed.

"Fine, wait stop! I forgot, my dad still has my gun I need it more than you know."

Carl pov
I feel disgusted even being in her presence. I know I've broken a promise by doing this but she killed Sophia and is trying to kill my family. Something has to be done...

I ran back to the cellar doors where I heard yelling, I pulled them open and jumped in, missing every step, but skilfully landing at the bottom.

Lilly came behind panting and saying,

"Babe wait up, Please!"

I ain't your babe!

I tried to keep my anger in as I turned right and down the corridor where Jenn stood hugging Glenn.

They all stopped and looked at me.

"I ugh I forgo-"

"He forgot his gun Rick give him it." Lily chimed in.

Dad put his hand in his pocket and slipped out my gun with the barrelled silencer.

I walked closer and closer until the gun was in my reach.

I grabbed it and closed my eyes tightly.

Dear God please know I'm not doing this in cold blood. Please know I'm doing this for the safety of my group, I don't want to be here at Woodbury and I'll get killed otherwise. I have to do this as much as I feel terrible for this sin, I don't feel terrible for who I'm using this sin on.


I turned around to face the girl who was still covered in makeup, even in a zombie apocalypse.

For me it all happened in slow motion. I raised my arm slowly, I heard cries and shouts with a shit ton of anger. But in the blink of an eye I pulled the trigger. I pulled it hoping that it hit her heart or her brain.

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