Chapter 17

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Recap of last chapter

"How about we go outside and see what everyone's doing?"

"Okay sure." She said finally leaving the mirror.

We walked outside to the courtyard far from every one else. She picked up a stone and started drawing on the ground.

"Look it's Carl haha!" She said smiling softly. Oh hell no.

I slowly raised my knife and slyly walked over to her,

"SOPHIA! WATCH OUT." Someone yelled from outside of the fences. I stopped, looked up and quickly and plunged it into her back.


Carl pov

"Hey dad where's lily?" I asked.

"Um I don't know, last time I saw her she was going up to see Sophia." He said carrying on staring at the wall.

I scampered up the metal steps and looked into Sophia's room. They aren't here. I jogged back down the stairs and ran into the tombs.

"Lily. Where are you? Hey Lily I have to talk to you."

All of a sudden I heard a scream.

"LILY? LILY WHERE ARE YOU?" I can't lose her as well as Jenn. I'll blame myself forever if I do.

Jenn pov

I started panicking about the piece of glass, still lodged in my foot.

I saw the tall fences of prison and two girls. One towered over the other with a knife while the other was drawing on the ground. I put my fingers through the holes in the fence and instantly recognised the girl.

It's Sophia.

"SOPHIA! LOOK OUT." I yelled pushing the at the barricade between us.

I remembered the gap in the fences and jogged over to it. I pushed my body though and hopped over to Sophia who currently was laying on the ground, tears dripping down her face.


I sat down and tried to comfort Sophia.

"It's okay Soph. Where-Where's the group?"

"I-Ins..." She stuttered.


Within ten seconds the whole group came out with shocked faces.

"Jenn?" They asked petrified.

"I'll explain later be meanwhile this asshole stabbed Sophia!"

"Is that true Lily?"

She stood still. Eyes widened.

"Oh so your name is Lily? How would it feel if I beheaded you Lily?" I yelled closing in on her.

"Get her inside! She's unconscious and she's lost a lot of blood." Hershel explained.

Daryl and Carol lifted Sophia carefully. Carol was trying to stay strong but inside she wanted to stab Lily.

"Jenn. How- how are you here?" Rick asked gripping his gun, clearly imagining that I was a walker.

"Look Rick I'd rather make a big group announcement type thing."

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