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(A/N this chapter will be an interview of the people playing the people in this book pretending that this is how the show goes! Poppy is a made up 'actress' just to fit this chapter, I'm not going to give Jenn a description of hoow she looks because I want you to be able to think of her however you like!)

Chris Hardwick called out into the microphone,

"Alright everybody tonight we are back with Talking Dead with two special guests- Poppy Charmer and Chandler Riggs who play Jenn and Carl on the walking dead!"

"Hello everybody" Poppy and Chandler both said.

"Now Chandler I understand you've always wanted to be on here, are you happy you've gotten your wish?" Chris asked.

"Yes, yes I'm really happy the producers asked Poppy and I to be on here" Chandler replied.

"Now we understand you guys have a little romance on the show. Do you think it's a 'teenage fling' like Daryl- Jenn's long lost father- said?"

"No, no I myself definitely think it's more than a teenage fling. If they do beat the world like Lori said then I think they'll beat it together. But who knows what Robert has up his sleeves"

The audience laughed and awed at Chandlers belief in the teenage couple.

"Now Poppy how was almost being killed off the show for you?"

"Well I wasn't told that Carl missed my head when shooting so I thought that he had shot me and I was dead, off the show. It wasn't until a few weeks later after the group had found the prison that Robert called and told me to get the the set immediately. I got there and they started throwing makeup on me and we filmed." She said laughing at the memories.

"That's awesome! Is there any awkward tension between you guys because you have to film all this cute lovey stuff?"

"Um there's definitely a bit of tension considering were 14 and 15 playing a teenage couple in the apocalypse who like to make out a lot! In the most recent episode the stuff leading up the sex scene was pretty awkward considering you're under the heat of those lights and in front of a lot of people. But it's kind of easy to get over it" Chandler said said awkwardly looking over to Poppy.

"Is there something you'd like to tell us?" Chris said raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Poppy said blushing.

"Haha alright then everybody we're going to go to a commercial break and we'll be back in a bit with Norman Reedus and Andrew Lincoln!"

"Chan I think we should have told them"

"But what about the fangirls? They'll hate you!" Chandler said panicking.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine!"

Their conversation was quiet so the audience couldn't hear.

"Let's tell them now. Everybody Chandler and I have something to say"

The two looked at each other and grabbed hands.

"Chandler and I are dating"

The audience gasped but roared with excitement and clapping.

"With all the stuff going on the show I think it's hard to avoid this. I hope he fangirls aren't too angry just know I'll always be there to kill some walkers for 'ya if you need me to. I love you Chan fans!" Chandler yelled and they walked off the stage hand in hand, just like Jenn and Carl.

A/N ohhhhh this is interesting. Also just a little cute thang with Chan and Poppy :|

I got the interview idea off IMRADIOACTIVEXOXO I asked could I do this and she said yes so this is dedicated to her :D

You know what I'm bringing Carol back to life! She has too many important story lines :)
Hope you enjoyed love y'all byeeeeee!

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