Chapter 6

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Recap of last chapter:

"Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!"

"I am I am. I'm, I'm pregnant!" Whispered Lori. "But wait there's more, it might not be Ricks."


Will You Be My Girlfriend?

Jenn pov

Well that's a bummer.

"Lori. Who else have you, you know."

"I can't say. I really can't. It was a mistake. A huge mistake! I thought Rick was dead. He, he said he was dead. Shane said he was dead..."

"So Shane?"

"Yeah." She sighed putting her head in her hands again.

Lori explained how Rick got shot on the job and was in a coma for a few months, which I already knew. Then how she met the group and Shane said he died in the hospital. Then how they... 'made love' in the forest. Then they found Rick, they made more love and now she clueless as to who the father is.

"I'm not judging you. You thought he was dead I get it, but now you're dead if Rick finds out."

"I know, I know but I don't have the courage to tell him. I can't ruin our relationship I can guarantee it won't be the same if I tell him!"

"It may not be as magical and as trusting as it used to but you won't need to live in fear of Shane telling him."

"Good point kid. I'll, I'll go tell him now. Just don't tell Carl yet!"

"Okay sure good luck and stay calm and exaggerate how sorry you are."

"Okay. Rick, we need to talk."

I have a lot of thinking to do. I've never really liked this Shane guy, he's off his head. But I don't see why he would lie to lori, it makes no sense! Well nothing makes sense in this world anymore. But lori made the mistake of trusting him and not hanging on to the hope that Rick was still alive. I'd like to put a gun through Shane's head.

"Carl? Carl grimes, where are you?"

 "I'm here Jenny penny!" He said emerging from Hershel's house. Jenny Penny was my nickname he gave me.

"We ugh, we ned to talk. In private!" I know I shouldn't tel him and I know its wrong to betray Lori like this but i can't keep such a big secret hanging over me.

"Okay, sure," he said slowly sounding confused. "Herhsel has a spare room I've been sleeping in, we can talk there."

I followed Carl through the house and past Herhsel who was washing this mornings dishes. Past a Rick who was sat on the couch staring into space- I know why and past Lori who had just came out of the bathroom. 

"Mom, what's wrong with Dad? Have you been arguing again?"

"No Carl, it's nothing like that it's, ugh never mind." She replied and hurried on.

"Mom-" he called after her.

"Carl! Stop please we have to talk now!" I said with a rush of panic coming over me.

"Jenn calm down, can't this wait?"

"No Carl it can't!" I yelled. He sighed and led me into the room at the back of the hallway. We entered the room and I slowly closed the door behind us. I stood there for a moment with my back against the door almost as if I was stuck here. 

"Jenn what's going on? What is-"

"You're Mom cheated on your Dad! With- with Shane." I finally said then looking down to the ground. Carl said nothing and from the corner of my eye I could see that he had collapsed to the floor with his back against the bed. "Carl please don't." I said sadly.

"How, how could she? How could she do that to my Dad with his best friend? I can't believe her!" He yelled and tears threatened to spill over his eyes. "Why did she tell you and not me? Is that why Dad looks strange, why did she do this to us!" 

At that moment i removed my body from the door and walked over to sit on the floor beside him. "She did a bad thing but she had her own reasons. Shane told her your Dad had died in the hospital when this all started, she wanted to go see him and say goodbye but he objected and said he needed to get you two out of the city alive. And you know, that's what he did he saved you guys. She was upset, she wanted someone to have a connection with, trying to get over your Dad."

"She could've gotten over him any other way but this. This is sick, if we weren't all in this situation she would've torn our family apart!"

"But Carl, there's one more thing. Your Mom she's pregnant," I said looking him right in the eyes making sure he was paying attention.

"She's pregnant?" I nodded. He put buried his head in his knees and put his arms around them and started shaking with anger, sadness I don't know. 

"Carl please, it's gonna be okay!" 

"No, no it's not! My Mom just cheated on my Dad with his best friend and now she goes and gets pregnant? Does she realise what that's gonna do to our family? First the apocalypse and now a broken family? Why, why did she have to do this to us?" He paused after yelling at me. "Get out!"

"Carl-" He interrupted me and yelled again.

"I said get out!" So I did. I got up and left him to his own thoughts.

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