Chapter 32

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Recap of lasts chapter
We ran to my cell where Jenn lay on our bunk her head spilling a lot of blood.

"Oh my-" I ran over to her and fell to my knees beside her grabbing her hand and placing it on my head. "I'm so sorry Jenn, I'm so so sorry!"

Andrea POV
I was wondering through the forest outside of the prison. It's getting quite dark and I feel like I'm going to need to sleep in a tree.

I could go back to Woodb- NO! That isn't an option anymore Andrea, you can't go back there. It's hell on earth and they will kill me if I do.

I walked for a bit until I heard leaves and twigs crunch. I stopped and did a 180' turn looking around to see who or what was following me.

There was a man who looked to be in his early thirties. He had shirt brown hair that seems to be spiked up, although I don't see how that is possible because it's the apocalypse. I don't think anyone really has any hair gel but whatever floats your boat! He was wearing a red flannel shirt with denim jeans, although every part of his clothes were ripped it was still fairly neat.

Although the only thing I didn't like about him was that his knife was pointed at me.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Are you a follower?"

"A- A follower? N-No I'm not what's a follower?" I asked confused, does he mean a walker?

"One of those things!" He said pointing towards me and charging to me with his knife. Although he ignored me and threw it through a walker behind me.

"The key is to go for the head."

"I know. Do you mean walker?"

"What's a walker, no. They can barely walk so I wouldn't call them walkers!"
He said, although he does have a good point.

"Good point, followers it is then. But no I'm not a follower. How about- how about we join up and fight them together eh?"

He put his knife down and circled me, looking me up and down.

He drew his knife but before I could react it was in my chest.


Jenn pov
'Carl? Carl can you hear me again? Carl please answer!'


Guess he can't hear me. If I'm unconscious by I can think someone is bound to try to talk to me.

I sat up. I could see myself what? Carl is sitting beside my with my hand in his head, sobbing.

"Carl just let her go," Hershel said sympathetically.

"No!" He said between cries. "I-I can't. Not again! I won't let her go again, Hershel you have to do something!"

"I can't do anything Carl. Stop, she's gone."

What? I- I'm dead again? But how, did he really hit me hard enough? I woke up once I'll wake up again! They've got it wrong I-I'm alive, I am.

'Please Carl! Listen to me I'm here, I'm still alive!' I yelled

I tried to walk over to him and hug him but just as I would in a story I fell right through him. I stood up as tears fell from my eyes and landed on Carl's shoulder.

He put his hand on his shoulder and shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"I can't let her turn," he said with a blank expression on his face.

He can't shoot me. Then I have no chance to come back. Please don't Carl.

"Can everyone leave the room?" He said. They all nodded and left.

All of a sudden I was dragged along back into my body and I sat up. I coughed and blood spilled out of my mouth.

"Get Hershel!" I yelled.

Carl pov
Hershel came pounding up the metal steps with a first aid kit and a lot of medical supplies.

"Okay Jenn, I'm going to check your heart beat and blood pressure you just sit tight," he said in a hurry.

"She's going to be okay right?" I said.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows, not saying a word.

He out the stethoscope in his ears and the cold metal part against her bare chest.

"Okay her heart beat isn't too good it could go down at any minute although we won't know because her brain will react first. Checking her blood pressure won't be of any use, we just have to wait it out."

No. No. No.
This can't be happening please.

"I'm sorry kiddo we need to put these on you." Hershel said lifting put a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket.

That means death.

She nodded understandingly and put her hands above her head.

He put the handcuffs around her thin frail wrists and locked the other side to the metal bed. She knew what she was in for. Isn't she immune?

"HERSHEL!" I yelled before he left the room.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Isn't she immune? She won't turn even if she does die," I said trying to reason with him.

"Carl we don't know that." He said pulling me to the side. "She could have just been lucky, that dream must have been fake we need to make sure. Okay?"

I walked back over to her bed side in defeat.

"Well this sucks," I said.

"Hm well I wonder who's fault it is?" She said sarcastically.


"Yes! You're the one that punched me."

I had nothing to say.

"Carl just leave!"



I left as a tear fell down my cheek.

Jenn pov
He left and a tear fell down my cheek. My injury is so serious that I could die. So serious Hershel thinks I may not be immune so they have to handcuff me to a bed. And he thinks it isn't his fault? He punched me for no reason made me fall into a wall and he has the cheek to say it wasn't his fault?

I can't keep putting myself through this, the constant struggle of trying to love him when all he does is hurt me. Well I guess that's not all he does but a majority of the time we've been together he has hurt me in one way or another.

We spent, what two- three days together at the farm. Half a day on the road and then I 'die' and he goes and fucks some other girl. Then he manages to knock me unconscious with his feminine fists.

Sure. I'll take you back (note the sarcasm)

And missing Lily? What a douche, after everything she put me through. After what she did to Sophia? Anyone who misses a killer is deluded.

Yet I'm laying here depressing myself with memories of Carl, dare I say I miss him? I guess I just called myself deluded then.

Carl is a murderer. He killed Lily in cold blood like he didn't care. He shot her to try and win me back. Then he blurts out that he misses her?

I'm just repeating thoughts right now, it just doesn't feel right.

Carl grimes will regret his decisions.

A/N sorry for such a short chapter! I just really needed to get this up... Love y'all byeeee!

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