Chapter 38

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Recap of last chapter
I pressed the home button, showing the lock screen and surprisingly It had 69%
And even more surprisingly there was a picture of me and my daughter on the lock screen...
Jenn is my daughter?

Third person POV
Jenn was sitting in the dining room talking to her new found father- discussing the times Daryl lived in a forest cabin with his son, Jenns long lost brother. Discussing the many Christmas' Jenn missed with he father. She didn't understand at first, the idea of living without her father being so young and all but soon grew to the idea.

Rick lay on his bunk no longer shared by the warmth of his wife. He missed her almost as much as he missed his old life, but it was never going to be the same. He's already used three full boxes of tissues and broken two glass windows.

It seems everyone is broken in this group. Rick with the loss of his wife, Hershel with the loss of his leg, Carl was contemplating suicide, Maggie almost lost her father, Beth slit her wrist in order to escape the pain of this new found life and it's almost certain the the rest of the group has experienced some emotional damage within the past week or two. It's almost become an expectation to become depressed or otherwise broken.

Hershel was still resting in bed with Beth and Maggie cradled around him not saying a word, deciding wether or not they should just end his suffering.

The pain just never ends.

Carl POV

I woke up and Jenn wasn't laying in the warmth of my arms as I expected.

Where is she? She usually doesn't get up at sun rise, actually I usually don't get up at sunrise. Strange day!

I hopped out of the bunk and walked down the cold metal steps where I saw Jenn hugging Daryl.

"What's going on here?" I asked laughing.

Jenn and Daryl looked at each other with a weird mysterious look and Jenn replied.

"Carl, Daryl is my dad!" What the actual hell.

"Don't lie. Seriously? Oh my god this is so weird."

"He left my Mom when I was four so I never remembered him. I took on my Moms surname and Daryl never knew that I was called Jenn Simons so there were no suspicions until now. So I'm officially Jenn Dixon!"

"That's so cool. That must be why you're such a bad ass, compliment to both of you," I said with a kind smile at the end.

"Yeah well we're just happy we're together again." Jenn said. This is a very interesting day so far huh?

"You used to have a brother ya know Jenn?" Daryl said looking at her in a way I've never seen him look at someone.

"Yeah I remember him. I didn't understand why he left at the time I guess I kind of understand now. His name was-" she stopped and there was a short silence "Kane! You don't think it's him do you Dar- Dad."

"It could be, why don't you go find out!" He replied. She nodded and ran to the other room.

"Now Carl, I understand you have something here with Jenn?" Oh here we go the 'if you hurt my daughter in any way shape or form I'll hurt you' pep talk.

"Yes, yes I do."

"Well since I haven't been a fatherly figure thing to her for quite a while I can't really go all in and ban you from seeing her. But I swear to God if you hurt my daughter in anyway shape or form you will be dead within seconds regardless of what your Dad says got it?"

"Mhm" I replied.

"Good carry on with your teenage fling"

"Hey it's more than a teenage fling!" I said.

He smirked and walked out to find Jenn and Kane, I followed getting interested by this. We found them in the meeting room where Kane stood leaning against the wall.

"Kane what is your surname?" Jenn asked.

"Ugh it's Simons why you ask?" Jenn responded by giving him a tight bear hug and crying.

"I've missed you so much!" She cried.

"What the fuck is this?" A girl yelled from the door.

"Lucy- it's it's not what it looks like!" He yelled back pushing Jenn to the ground. I shoved Daryl out of the way and ran to Jenn, while Daryl ran to punch Kane.

"Guys stop!" Jenn shouted. "Kane, Daryl is our Dad."

"Our Dad?"

"Yes Kane our Dad" she replied smiling.
"Jenn?!" He said something apparently clicking in his brain. "Dad?!"

"Yeah Kane it's us." They said in unison.

"Can someone tell us what's going on?" Lucy said.

After Jenn, Daryl and Kane explained the whole thing to the group they all sat, mouths gaping and their eyes completely dilated in shock.

"So we have more Dixons to handle now?" They all asked surprised.

"Hey we're not that bad!" Jenn said in defence of her own blood. "I missed you Dad" she then said looking up at Daryl with loving eyes.

Everyone said 'awwww' together the women went back to making potatoes and vegetables, that sounds quite sexist but trust me all of the guys here are awful at cooking.

Dad and the usual crew- Hershel, Glenn, Maggie and Beth went outside to get some crops and fresh water from the creek T-Dog found.

Whilst Daryl went up into a tower to defend the prison and Glenn simply guarded the fences.

I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Jenn and Daryl are related. It's a strange thought. But at the same time I'm really happy that they've been reunited again!

But now I really do have to be careful with how Jenn and I's relationship goes, I cannot hurt her. Anyway there's no girls here to do that, other than Lucy but she looks quite loyal to Kane.

Jenn pov
I've finally found my Dad, you have no idea how happy I am.This is a dream come true I've always dreamed of this day and it's finally happened!

I don't know how I didn't suspect it, same voice with a hard country accent, same hair and the seem facial features- but still I never suspected it.

Dad and I have been spending time together a lot since we found out early this morning. He told me a secret that I can't tell anyone.  It's a really personal thing and I have no idea why he trusts me so much.

He's never told anyone, people have found out, but he's never told anyone himself.  I can't bring myself to stop thinking about it. It's such a big thing that I never knew and I wish I never had to know. I feel terrible for him, he's suffered it his whole life even when he got away from them. How could they do that to him, how evil are they??

How could his own Dad beat him like that? How could his own wife (MY MOTHER) beat him like that? She wasn't forced was she? Forced to carry on the evil tradition of my grandfather. She has to have been forced, surely she would've done it to me to if it was her own actions.  I'm glad I never met my grandfather Dixon or I would have most likely suffered the same fate.

A/N is it short? I feel like this is a good place to end it though. This story is so weird with all of Jenn's magical powers and immunity. When I started this story this was not my plan, in fact I didn't have a plan I just played it by ear depending on what happened in the previous chapter :D Now I have each chapter planned all the way to chapter 66 ;)
Hope y'all enjoyed love y'all byeeeee!

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