Chapter 37

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Recap of last chapter
I drew my gun and pointed it at my own mother. Something I never expected ( or wanted ) to do.

Just like I did with Jenn I pulled the trigger but this time, I knew it really was the end.

Carl pov
We got out to the court yard where everyone stood with panic on their faces.

"Where were you guys? We were worried sick!" Dad asked.

"I'm sorry but we were getting your pregnant wife out of there. To give birth, to this beautiful little girl!" Maggie replied.

He slowly walked over to Maggie and the baby and looked into the eyes of his daughter.

"She- she's beautiful. What's her name? Where's Lori?" He asked grabbing the baby and looking behind us.

"Dad um Mom is- mom is dead." I answered.

He yelled out, bending down and put his head in his hands, crying. "Nah, tell me it ain't so!" He cried.

"I shot her." I said turning away and walking back into the prison to fall asleep on my hard ass bed.

I was laying on my bunk just thinking.

I'm a murderer aren't I? I shot my Mom and she wasn't even dead, I even did it willingly! What kind of son does that huh? A psychopathic killer son. I shot Lily in cold blood- even if she did deserve it!

Mom was a living breathing human and we could taken her to Herhsel but instead, I shot her.

But she wanted it right? She didn't want to turn into one of those- those things. I don't even know who the Dad is!? It's either my Dad or that dumb asshole Shane. But I hope to God it's Dad, because if not I don't know what I'll do.

"Hey Carl." Jenn said appearing at the gate of our cell, she seemed happy but I can see past a smile.

"Am I a murderer Jenn? I mean my mom wasn't a walker yet so I'm a murderer."

She rubbed her face like she was stressed, confused. She sat down beside me and explained.

"Carl you're not a murderer and it's not okay that you think you are, because we know you're not. Your Mom would have wanted this, she wouldn't want to be one of those. She would've died of blood loss eventually it was only fair. Babe please don't put this on yourself! Come on why don't we go and see 'Lil ass kicker," She said, that's the Daryl we all know and love.

"Ass kicker?" I asked smiling slightly.

"Daryl!" Was all she said.

I agreed and walked out to the main room where everyone sat around the baby.

"Where's dad?" I asked. They all seemed shocked. Like 'Carl why is you even showing your face here? You shot your mother, shame on you!'

"We don't know. He left, somewhere in the tombs." Jenn said, apparently the only decent one to reply.

"I'm gonna go find him"

"Not on your own kid!" Hershel replied. "I'm going with you

"Me too." Jenn said

I nodded and walked through the tomb entrance. We walked and turned corners;

Come on Dad where are you hiding??

I have an idea.

'And what's that Idea Grimes?' Jenn asked, holy shit I forgot we could speak to each other through our thoughts.

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