Chapter 7

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Recap of last chapter

"No, no it's not! My Mom just cheated on my Dad with his best friend and now she goes and gets pregant? Does she realise what that's gonna do to our family? First the apocalypse and now a broken family? Why, why did she have to do this to us?" He paused after yelling at me. "Get out!"

"Carl-" He interuppted me and yelled again.

"I said get out!" So I did. I got up and left him to his own thoughts.

Jenn POV

After what happened yesterday Carl hasn't came out of that room. He hasn't spoken to anyone, Lori and Rick are worried but if they knew he knew they should really be worried. Lori thinks he's in shock with this sudden outbreak, Rick thinks he's depressed- after that experience with Beth, he's worried she's influenced him with bad thoughts. Maybe not purposely, but that's what Rick is thinking right now. Now I'm not so sure if I've made the right choice telling him the moment after I found out, i mean he hates his Mom now and is distancing himself from everyone it's not healthy, but its all my fault. He hasn't eaten since yesterday either and Hershel said the only thing he's doing is staring up the ceiling in what he assumes is deep thought- if only they all knew. Maybe I should tell Lori he knows, say he overheard our conversation and broke down to me? Or tell her the truth and risk the consequences and possibly being thrown out of the group? Or I could solve Rick and Carl's problem? I could somehow get rid of Shane.


And I've stuck with that plan, I convinced Shane to take me hunting to 'teach' me. Little does he know he's about to be led to his death trap.

"So what do you want to know?" He asked looking down at me, smiling.

"Everything!" I beamed.

"Well okay then, you sound eager!" he laughed.

"Oh I am," I smiled with a slight sarcastic laugh at the end.

We continued to walk down the dirt path of the forest so far seeing no animals, no walkers, no people. It's quite strange actually, I'm not used to it being so quiet like this. Suddenly Shane stopped and drew his gun to his chest and observed our surroundings.

"Do you hear that?" He asked.

"Hear what?" But I listened and I heard it, walkers. A ton of them! I've never seen- well heard, that many before and if I get rid of Shane I have to travel back past that crowd fast!

"You don't gotta worry just stay near me," he said.

"Okay," I trembled- acting of course.

My hunch was right, it's a whole crowd of walkers at least 200 of them we could never take them on, they would devour us in seconds. Devour us in seconds huh? Now there's a plan!

"Here take this knife, watch our back if they get behind us!" he called out putting his back to mine.

But now I need to go, I need to put the plan into action. And I can't just kill him in cold blood can I? Well I'm still killing him but I'm getting walkers to do my dirty work I guess. Look at me, 2 days into the apocalypse and I've already lost my sanity.

I have to act now, so I screamed out 'walker!' and stumbled backwards, considering we were at the top of a hill you could guess what Shane's fate is. I left no time to grieve of attempt to save him or even look at the damage down so I ran. I ran the direction we came and luckily moments later I arrived back at the open field of Hershel's farm with the crowd still on my heels and started yelling.

"Help, help! There's too many of them! Andrea, Daryl, Rick help me!" I called out. I saw Andrea's small body in the distance perk up from the top of the RV doing her usual inspection on alert. I waved my hands above my head so that she could see It's me and not a walker.

Upon arrival of the farm everyone was questioning me.

"Jenn where's Shane what happened to him?" Lori asked frantically earning a scowl from Rick.

"He ugh, he fell into the crowd. They got him," I replied looking down to the ground acting ashamed or upset.

"He's gone?" Lori stuttered.

"Never mind Shane," Maggie yelled, "What do you mean the crowd got him?"

"A big crowd of them, a crowd of about 200 walkers heading through the forest, we need to go!" I yelled. But as soon as I mentioned a crowd Hershel had ran to his house and had set up his defence system.

"Dad we don't have time for this!" Maggie called out to him.

"I have to go get Carl!" I yelled out to the panicking group of people. They all nodded and continued making a plan. I ran back to the house and past Hershel all the way to the back room I quickly twisted the door knob and saw Carl. Sitting on the end of the bed with a piece of glass in his hand and blood dripping off his wrist.

"Carl?" I said confused, hurt, scared.

"Jenn? What are you-"

"There's a bunch of them out there Carl, about 200 of them and you're sitting in here cutting yourself up?" I cried out kind of shocked.

"Jenn you wouldn't understand," he said completely ignoring the mentioning of a crowd.

"I don't care, we have to go now!" I yelled running over to him and quickly observing his arm. "How deep did you go?" I asked quietly as opposed to shouting.

"Not too deep, I just wanted to try it. To see if it really did help the pain," he said softly.

"Do you have anything to bandage it?"

"Yeah, I took some of Hershel's bandages so that I could cover it up."

"You, you were just going to hide this from me?" I asked.

"I guess," he replied handing me the bandage roll.

I sighed and took them off him then wrapping it around his wrist. We don't have time for proper treatment so we'll deal with it when we get to wherever we're going. I pulled his sleeve over the bandage, put the rest in my pocket and grabbed his arm.

"Come on we have to go," I said dragging him through the house and out the door.

"Oh my." Was all I could say as I saw the burning barn and the crowd quite close to us.

Maggie was dragging Hershel and a tearful Beth away from their family home and into the RV I continued to pull Carl over the one of the trucks that Rick stood at.

"Let's go! Jenn, Carl get in we need to leave now!" He shouted over the groaning crowd. We both jumped in and in the trunk thing of the truck was Daryl and Lori sat in the passengers seat. When we got in and started to drive away from the disastrous place Carl just stared out the window- not even daring to look at his parents. All I could look at was the pain in his eyes as he continued to silently suffer.

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