Chapter 43

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Carl POV

It's been a whole month since we rescued Maggie and Glenn, alot went down that day. We captured them after they had attacked some of the governors men including Merle Dixon. Before this happened Daryl had gotten captured by some of the guys there and taken to some sort of walker vs human arena thing where the governor forced him to fight his own flesh and blood but of course we were there to save the day. The downside to this was that Dad wouldn't accept Merle into the group and at that point Daryl decided it would be best to leave with his brother. Jenn and Kane were devastated, neither of them would talk to anyone for days and barely even ate. A week after it happened the governor came and attacked which is the worst attack yet from him. He drove down the fences with a truck and unloaded a bunch of walkers onto the courtyard and the surrounding the prison fortunately Daryl and Merle arrived back at this very moment and helped with that situation. When Dad started coming out of his depressive state of mind more we went into town for supplies and it turned out to be quite successful. We found the man that helped him when he woke up from a coma, the guy- Morgan- was very confused but eventually recognized Dad and calmed down. When we came back we later discovered Woodbury was abandoned, and I mean no living soul was left in that town which could be seen as a good or bad thing. Although the survivors did come and take refuge with us including Beth's new boyfriend.

But we now face a new problem- the flu. The sickness or unknown disease has struck the prison, I am currently in solitary confinement after being awake all night coughing as is Glenn- who seems to have the worst of it, Karen and David were hit hard by it. The next morning they were found in a small area fenced area outside burnt and charred, almost completely unrecognizable and no one knows who did it. Was it the governor who came back whilst we slept and spitefully burned out group members who were previously apart of woodbury? Or was it a betrayer wanting to stop the sickness? Whoever it was they're a huge danger to the group so we've all kept a close eye on each other.

This has been extremely hard, not being able to see Jenn. I can't even be there to help her instead I have to be locked up all die and the only way I can communicate with the rest of the group is by talking directly to the door of the cell. But it's not a metal bar door, it's wooden and thick- you can barely hear the person on the other side but it's better than nothing. I crave to just be able to feel Jenn's lips against my own and to hug her knowing she's mine and I'm hers- I crave nothing more. She's at her weakest point right now, she says she's been feeling extremely low. The other day I found her standing on the fence of one of the guard towers. The moment I get out of this cell I will wrap my arms around my beautiful girlfriend and make sure that she knows no matter what happens I will always be there for her.

"Carl?' I hear instantly recognizing the country accent.

"Dad I'm fine," I answer already predicting his next question.

"I need to talk to you Carl," is all he says.

"Then talk."

"No Carl," he says opening the cell door and slamming it shut. "We need to talk.

"You- you can't be in here you'll get sick!" I say backing away to the wall and he then takes a step back.

"I don't care if I get sick Carl I really need to say this now." he pauses momentarily, "What's wrong with Jenn?" he asks so suddenly.

"What do you mean, is she sick?" I ask pretending to panic because I know fine rightly what's going on.

"Carl no this isn't how we're going to play this game, you stop bullshitting and tell me the truth you got it?"

I nod in reply, yes.

"Is Jenn depressed? Glenn told me where you found her last week, she's depressed and you haven't told me? Or her own Father?"

"I didn't know," I lie.

"Carl why didn't you just tell me?"

"Dad this is something we can handle, we don't need you in her face asking if she's depressed!"

"This is serious, she could try and pull stunt like that again and if you're not there to stop her we'll have another death on our hands, we've had too many of those."

"Dad I-" I pause for a moment and think of the logical answer, why lie when he'll figure it out soon enough? He can help us and most of all, help take care of my girlfriend.

"I don't know what to do!" I say breaking down to tears and falling against the concrete wall, burying my head in my knees. "I don't know how to help her anymore, I've never experienced this and in the apocalypse? The governor could come her any second, blow this place to bits and she might not want to leave! I love her and I'd never leave here alone with all of this I couldn't ask for anyone better but I don't want her to die what-"

I see two single tears fall from my Dad's eyes and to the ground as he runs over to me and sits down to hug me. We both just sit in tears as we both relate to the same story.

"I love you Carl, please don't ever forget that in this mess!" He says between sobs.

Jenn pov

Carl seemingly supports me 100% through this mess we call life, even being trapped in that cell all day.

'I told my Dad.' I hear in my head and the only thought I have is Carl.

I forgot we had the telepathy thing which is still a very strange concept that we rarely use and have not gotten use to. But it least it means we can communicate even if we get split up.

'Your Dad knows what?' I ask genuinely confused.

'Yeah, he came in to talk to me about it, should be coming to talk to you soon enough. I'm sorry he just asked and I didn't know what else to do, I can't help you with everything Jenn. There's too much pressure on my shoulders with it all,' he said.

A/N I know it was short, I apologize but I felt like I just had to get this updated! I've made a few adjustments to previous chapters to make it a tad more realistic so check that out if you haven't already! Love y'all byeeeee!

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