Chapter 36

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Recap of last chapter

As a teen I never really thought like this, I was all smiles and happiness, never depressed.

Oh how times have changed...

Jenn pov

"Hi Jenn" a voice said.

"Wh- who's there?" I stuttered.

"It's me. Your best friend!" The voice then said ecstatically.


"Nope, me!"

Lily. This cannot be happening, she can't be back!

"Did you miss me at all? I'm sure you were devastated when your beloved Boyfriend shot me right?" She said mocking me while circling me.

"Your group is nothing but scum and I promise you that my Father will bring his army and it will be war- and he will win. Then I'll have Carl back to myself, and you'll have to suffer alone!"

"I will get you Lil-"

"You can't, I'm dead remember? Wow you really are deluded."

I sat up, hitting my head on something hard. Oh the top bunk, it looks about 4am outside.

"Fuck" I muttered.

I was laying beside Carl who tossed and turned in his sleep. His eyes eventually fluttered open and looked over at me.

"Hey beautiful, what's up?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Nothing, go back to sleep!" I replied.

"Jenn I'm not going to sleep until I figure out what's wrong with my beyond amazing girlfriend. Now spill."

"It's just a nightmare, that's all. Lily was there, she said her Dad- the governor, will get us and she'll have you all to herself again and I can't handle those thoughts Carl! I can't, I don't want you to ever leave me!" I cried tucking my head into his shoulder.

"It's okay!" He put one hand in my shoulder pushing my back, and one on my cheek "it's okay!"

We lay back down and I had my head laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat. It was quite relaxing, it felt nice.

"Goodnight Carl, I love you."

"Goodnight, I love you too Jenn Simons"


We woke up to Rick shaking us,

"Come on guys, we need to kill the walkers outside at the fences!"

Carl groaned rubbing his eyes and asking what time it was.

"It's 11am Carl, get up"

We both slowly sat up, getting used to the sudden light. I stretched and stood up and Carl did the same. We didn't bother to change clothes because, well we don't have any more clothes.

We walked outside through the pavilion and towards the fences that were caving in.

"Carl we get the left, Jenn you go over there with Glenn!" Rick then yelled over the moans of the dead.

I did as I was asked and ran to Glenn. He greeted me handing me a knife to brutally kill the walkers. I stabbed a walker through it's eye resulting in blood splattering everywhere. I stabbed multiple walkers watching their rotted and decaying body fall limp, but stay standing because of the amount of other walkers around it.

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