Chapter 15

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Recap of last chapter

We followed Daryl to the cells which weren't actually that hard to find. There were no walkers in here which is a plus and a real good gate that locks pretty well to keep 'em out.

I walked up the steps that were just ahead of me and moved my hand towards my knife, just in case. Gladly it was all clear and I threw my black duffel bag on the bed and jumped on. Wow this is the comfiest bed I've had in weeks.

A New Girl

Jenn pov

I've come across a couple of walkers. But it's nothing I can't handle. I found a bit of food and a truck that had at least twenty tanks of water.

I wondered along the highway still confused as to how I could be immune. I mean I had to get the gene from someone in my family, but who? My grandparents died just a couple weeks before the apocalypse happened and I never knew my dad's parents. I can't remember what life was like before I got locked up in my cold, dark house.

I've been walking for two hours now and I think I can see the end of the traffic jam. There's no sign of the group. They might not have even gone in this direction.

My chances of survival are high, considering I'm immune. But the dead aren't the only think you should fear. There's the living. People are even more cautious with strangers now.

As Rick always said 'Fight the dead, Fear the living'

It's true though. My priorities are to find the camp and tell them the good news.

Third person pov

Jenn sobbed while sprinting down the highway to the clear roads. As she reached them she held the sharp knife in her hand ready to attack.

She ran through the tress in a sly manner and stopped when she realised there were 20 walkers up ahead.

Carl woke up groggily and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Mom can I go sit outside?" Asked Carl.

"Yeah sure, Glenn is in the towers watching over everybody."

He walked out and pulled his fathers hat off in salute to Jenn. A single tear dripped down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away.


"HELP. HELP ME!" An unfamiliar voice yelled from outside the fences.

Carls attention was drawn towards it. He jogged down, gun in hand to see who it was. A young girl about his age appeared outside the fence.

"Are you bit?" Asked Carl.

The girl shook her head violently, no.


Glenn immediately did as Carl requested and the gates opened the girl ran in and into Carls arms.

"I'm so scared!" She cried, sobbing into Carl's shoulder.

"Sssh it's okay. We've got a group, we'll look after you!" Carl said cooing her.

Carl pov

She's pretty I guess. Not as pretty as Jenn but she is. The way her smooth blonde hair falls over her shoulders. The way her thin figure curved. She's quite a woman and I could make her mine.

"What's your name?" I asked.


"That's a nice name. I'm Carl, Carl grimes. My dad is the leader of this group then there's my Mom, Hershel the doctor, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Sophia, T-dog and Carol."

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