Chapter 30

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Recap of last chapter

I need her to be happy, I can't just be friends, it's the hardest thing for a guy being friend zoned.

I can't bare losing her but if it's what she wants I guess I'm down.

I'll show her. Because I won't go on without her.

I Miss Lily

Third person pov

Jenn lay quietly sniffling on the hard surface they called a bed. Recollecting her thoughts deciding what really has to happen in her relation ship with Carl Grimes. Getting back together wasn't an option, she knew they needed some sort of break.

Carl sat on the edge of his 'bed' scheming up a plan- a plan to get Jenn back. He knew this plan had to work or else the relationship between them may be over. He oh so desperately wanted her, he wanted to be able to kiss and hug her whenever he wanted. He wanted to say that he had the pleasure of being her boyfriend.

Strangers pov ;)

I was walking around a large forest, infested with the things that now freely roam the world. I came up to one of them and jabbed my knife into its chest.

They're immortal. No matter how many times you attempt to stab them, they jerk back and continue walking with their stretched out arms and brittle bones.

I don't know what they are at all or why they're here but all I know is that you have to attempt to kill them.

So I strode along the dusty forest coming across the odd creature- I've decided to call them 'followers' you know, since they follow every step you take.

I jabbed my knife into each of them multiple times but all if my efforts were to no avail, they still trudged towards me. I managed to out run them all but there are too many left, right and centre- surrounding me.

I had had enough of the followers and clean cut ones head off I did the same with the rest and realised something;

Aim for the brain.

Jenn pov

I stood up and dried my tear stained face, putting on a brave face for the day. Maggie and Glenn had gone on a run and brought back some new clothes for everyone- gladly, my clothes were starting to get really dirty. I changed into a pink button up shirt and wore a white tank top underneath. Also putting in black leggings and denim shorts.

I slowly walked out of my cell and down into the dining room. Everyone was sitting around the table silently eating- minus Carl.

"Okay everyone group meeting," Rick said standing up. "Jenn you may want to leave"

"Why? No I want to say!" I demanded.

"Okay then. Everyone Carl says he misses Lily-"

I cut him off laughing at the top of my lungs.

"CARL. MIS- CARL MISSES LILY?" I said practically screaming. "HE KILLED HER FOR ME!"

"Jenn that's enough," Lori said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I sat back down, my eyes watering at this point.

"Because of his little disagreement with Jenn, he's probably really upset. I'm going to ask everyone in this room to be kind to Carl and try not to upset him- that including you Jenn!"

Everyone nodded and dispersed. There's no way he misses her. He killed her for me. Maybe he's regretting it, then why do it in the first place?

How could anybody miss such a mean, rotten girl like her? It just doesn't make sense. That's just it Carl never makes sense. I stormed to his room where I heard sniffing.

He really does miss her doesn't he?

I rattled the gate in attempt to open it. It opened and I walked over and stood beside the metal bed. His head jerked up and he looked me in the eyes and spitefully said,

"Leave me alone. I hate you!"

"Carl lets just talk?" I said doing what Rick said and be kind to him.

"Jenn fuck off."

"Not until you fucking talk!"

He stood up looking very angry and punched my stomach. I fell back and hit my head on the wall. I lay in my pain and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

Carl Pov

Now I definitely didn't mean to do that. I didn't plan to hit her that hard.  In a way she deserved it right?But now I need to act, and act fast.

I bent down and put my hand under her arms I pulled her up from the ground and moved her over to my bunk. I put her down and put the covers over her frail body. She was limp and unconscious and she could die if I don't get Hershel or somebody!

But I can't risk getting in so much trouble. I'll never be able to go near her again. No I won't tell Hershel or anybody for that matter, I'll just tell them she's sleeping in my bunk.

Yeah that's it. She's just sleeping that's all.

I walked out of my cell and closed the gate behind me and walked out to the dining room.

"Jenn is sleeping in my bunk." I said quickly avoiding questions. "I need the bathroom where is it?"

Dad gave me a confused look but ignored what I said about Jenn.

"Lori take our son to the bathroom."

"I don't need anyone to go with me, I just need to know where it is!" I yelled.

"Carl you heard Daryl those things are even smarter out there. We can't risk it."

I groaned and followed Mom out through the tombs.

"Be quick I heard some near here," Mom said anxiously.

"What you don't want to come in?"

"I will if you don't hurry up Carl Grimes!"

"Wait what I'm actually apart of the Grimes family? I thought you fucked some other guy to get me, like you did with that!" I said pointing to her stomach.

"CARL FUCKING GRIMES! THAT'S IT IM LEAVING YOU CAN FIGHT THEM OFF YOURSELF!" She yelled running all the way back to the dining room which is pretty far away.

I opened the bathroom door, which was just a small one toilet room, and did my business. I walked out and scanned the place for walkers. I heard a few groans here and there but nothing to worry about.

I'm still panicking though. I walked in the direction I saw mom walk and beard footsteps and things dropping to the ground. Well not things- walkers.

But they don't just drop dead, someone is here with me. I ran forward, turning left, right, left another right and came to the conclusion that I'm lost.

Well thanks to that cheating woman I'm supposed to call 'Mom' I'm going to die out here. I felt hands grip my hips fuck.

Whoever it was whispered in my ear with a deep voice,

"Come with us kid. You can't live out here on your own!"

With that he tied something over my eyes and put a soaked rag to my mouth and nose. I choked, finding it hard to breath. Are they drugging me? Holy shit this is disgusti-

*DaRkNeSs TaKeS oVeR*

A/N hope you enjoyed, looks like we have two injured children. Carl is a bitch, who misses the person they killed? Insane people that's who!

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