Chapter 31

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Recap of last chapter
Whoever it was whispered in my ear with a deep voice,

"Come with us kid. You can't live out here on your own!"

With that he tied something over my eyes and put a soaked rag to my mouth and nose.

I choked, finding it hard to breath. Are they drugging me? Holy shit this is disgusti-

Immunity Comes With Powers
Jenn pov

"Hershel? Help me, my- my head!"

Where is everyone? I thought I was in Carl's cel- wait, I'm having another one of those dreams again aren't i?

"Mom where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are!" I said yelling like an idiot. "Can someone come and explain?"

'I shouldn't have been a bitch to Mom, now in stuck in this situation about to be raped by old perverted men! What about Jenn? I hope I didn't cause some sort of brain haemorrhage that would be bad, real bad. I just want to get back to the group, tell Hershel what happened to Jenn, I can't have her die, I just can't. I feel as if I'm bipolar one minute I love Jenn, the next she's a bitch and I want Lily back but then I remember what she did and I just want Jenn!'

What in the name of- am I reading Carl's thoughts? I can't be!

'Carl! Carl can you hear me?'

'Jenn? Jenn is that you! Where are you? Why can I hear you?'

So he can hear me.

'Carl tell me where you are! I'm still unconscious by the way so thanks for that.'

'Oh my gosh Jenn I'm so sorry! Mom was showing me to the bathroom but I yelled at her and she stormed back and now some middle aged men have drugged me, so i am too unconscious!'

'Why can we hear each other's thoughts? This is so weird!'

'Yeah, listen Jenn. I need you to wake up and tell someone that I've been kidnapped!'

'Carl I can't-'

'Jenn you can please wake up! Come on wake up. You have to! Please!'

With that I woke up. I'm assuming this comes with being immune? But why could I talk to Carl? I ran down the steps light headed and dizzy.

"Lori Carl has been kidnapped! You have to help me!"

Hershel came up from behind me and touched my head.

"Jenn your head is bleeding!"

"Yeah me and Carl had another disagreement. We have to help me! Some old men have taken him!"

"Jenn how do you know this?"

"I heard him in my head! We can hear each other's thoughts." I said panicking, pacing back and forth.

"Jenn it was just a dream. It's your imagination." Lori said internally face palming.

"Lori please. Why do you think he is taking so long?"

Rick and Lori looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay well Daryl, Rick and Glenn you guys go find him. Hershel help Jenn before she bleeds out."

Yet again I dropped to the ground, caught by Hershel and Lori but still unconscious.

Here I am yet again, in the world of nothing.

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