Kiri's Random Thoughts Part 1

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Heya! TS here, and this is Chappy two of this story! Remember! I don't own Future Card Buddyfight, Bishiroad does.


~At Aibo Academy,rooftop~

Gao: Man, I wish that Drum woke me up sooner, and thanks to him...*mumbles*

Kuguru: Aw, I'm sure Drum didn't do it on purpose.

Gao: Yeah.... As if! *eats takoyaki*

Kiri: *appears out of nowhere* Hey Gao!

Gao: K-kiri! *chokes* Don't scare me like that!

Kiri: Sorry! o_o *pats Gao's back* 

Kuguru: So what brings you here, Kiri?

Kiri: Well, I was trying to find Baku to fix up my deck, because I accidentaly mixed my Danger world deck with Dragon world cards.... But I guess he's not here...

Kuguru: Oh, he's here, sleeping on that bench over there. *points at a sleeping + drooling Baku*

Baku: *mumbles* Mmm..... Food...... *falls of the bench* FOOD!

Kiri: ....... Hey guys, have you ever thought what our lives would have been like if we never started buddyfighting?

Everyone looks at Kiri with surprised faces, Gao choked again, Kuguru's glasses fell and Baku wiped off the saliva in his face.

Gao: *swallows* W-wow, Kiri. Come to think of it, I never thought of it, maybe I would become an Aiki-jujitsu master or something.

Kuguru: I would become a doctor or a scientist. What about you, Baku?

Baku: Hm.... I dunno. How about you, Kiri?

Kiri: M-me?! It's just random thought I had... -_-"

Drum: Man, humans are super weird!

Kiri: The end!

Baku: Kiri, just tell us who you're talkin' to!


TS: Whew, another Chappy completed! 

Kiri: At least I ran away from Baku...

TS: Don't worry, he won't get you-.

Baku: Kiri!

TS: *sigh* Well, Baku, if you please-.

Baku: TigerShirt doesn't own Future Card Buddyfight and us, Bushiroad does.

TS & Kiri: See you next time! ^O^

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