Fruit that starts with the letter F

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Where did I go for the past IDK months? Finals. Job hunting. Now here's a dumb chapter that may or may not be inspired by a drunk conversation.

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At the beach, the Season 1 Buddies were having a drink while basking under the moonlight since basking under the heat of the sun is soooo overrated.

Drum: Jack, give me a bottle of that sweet beer from earlier.

Jack: It's called mule, Drum.

Drum: But that's an animal! Why would I drink from a live and breathing animal?!

Jack: Again, why are you drunk when you only had one bottle so far???

Joker: Heeeeeeeey! We're backkkkkk!

Joker walks towards them with Asmodai trailing behind. They just got back from the toilets since Joker wanted to relieve himself. But since it was so dark, he tripped on a tree branch and ate sand.

Joker: Blehhhhhh!!

Asmodai: Oh sh*t. You okay, dude?!

Joker: Hm... Sand tastes like scallops.

Asmodai: Never mind.

Asmodai walks pass Joker and sat besides Jack, who gave him a shot of tequila.

Asmodai: Ah~! That hits the spot! Wait, where's Tsukikage?

Jack scooted a bit from his seat and shows Asmodai that Tsukikage is lying down while giggling.

Tsukikage: Hehehehe...*hiccups*

Jack: I like him when he's not so quiet.

Drum: Hey guys, I'm bored. Let's play a word game.

Asmodai: Dude, that's like, the most boring thing to do.

Drum: If you haven't forgotten, we snuck into a private area at 11 pm to drink. Do you want to play volleyball or something???

Asmodai:...Fair point.

Joker: Oh! Oh! Let me go first!

Jack: Keep your voice down, man...

Joker: Oh sorry, sorry. Okay, uh, countries that start with the letter I.

Drum: India.

Jack: Indonesia.

Asmodai: Italy.

Joker: Iceland~. Is Mr. Ninja included in this game? *points at Tsukikage*

Tsukikage: Huehehe... Boop..!


Drum: Ireland.

Asmodai: Iran.

Jack: But you're not running at all...

Asmodai: Dude.

Jack: Dude.

Asmodai: Dude.

Jack: Dude.

Asmodai: Dude.

Jack: Dude.

Drum: Ayt Jack lost. What's his punishment?

Jack: Oi, we never talked about getting punished!

Joker: Get yeeted in the water or take 3 shots of vodka.

Jack: Give me the shots, cowards.

Asmodai gives Jack three shots of vodka, one for each brand because he bought A LOT of vodka.

Jack: Eugh! *hiccups* Aight mates... Category is food that starts with... Alphabetical order!

Drum: That's not how-

Jack: *helmet knife thingy pops open* HM?

Drum: Apple.

Jack: Banana.

Asmodai: Cranberry.

Joker: Dragon fruit.

Drum: Elderberry!

Joker: Uh... What's the next letter?

Asmodai: F.

Drum: F?

Jack: Psh, easy! Fruit salad!


Tsukikage: Hehehehe!!!

Everyone started laughing because F = Fruit salad, y'all.

Drum: What fruit starts with F?!

Asmodai: Lemme google it. *searches the web* Fig.

Drum: What?

Asmodai: Fig, finger lime, Fuji apple, to name a few.

Drum: Man, humans are complicated with naming stuff.

Joker: Wait, whose turn was it?

Them:....*looks at Jack*

Jack: *sigh* Give.

And so they continue drinking until Jacm puked so much that Tsukikage ran their motorbike up a wall.

Okay so that part was made up, but they got home safe and sound!

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