Crack-ka-la-king Crack! #4 (Valentines Special!)

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TS: *hiccups* Weeee!!!

Negie: You shouldn't keep on drinking. *sips beer*

TS: *hugs Negie* SO I HAVE A PLAN!

Negie: Lower your voice. *sips beer again*

TS: Oki, oki. *pats his head* Now everyone! Here's my final plan for Mini Buddies! May change without notice, uwu!

Negie: *sighs* Why did you say "uwu" at the end of your sentence?

TS: *nuzzles Negie's cheek* No reason, uwu!

Negie: *groans* Stoooooop!!!!

TS: *whispers* Hey.

Negie: WHAT?

TS: Nuzzle. 

Negie: Ha?!

TS: *pouts* Nuzzleeeeee.

Negie gets mad and throws TS onto her bed. He grabs the blankets and rolls her up into a maki roll. He buries her body under a pile of pillows, until she stops squirming.

Negie: *sighs* Good-

TS: C-cant breathe..!

Negie rolls his eyes as he gets all of the pillows off of TS, only to be tackled down by her as she nuzzles her face against his chest.

TS: Negie~! *hiccups*

Negie: *frustration mark appears* NIGHTMARE! GET THIS DRUNKARD OFF OF ME!

Nightmare enters the room with Vio, but both of them just smiled as they closed the door.

Negie: OI!

TS: Negieeeeee~! *hiccups*

Negulbalz just rolls his eyes up to the high heavens and pats TS, who just purred.

TS: Negie?

Negie: What?

TS: Hehe, I wuv you~! *touches his nose* Boop!

Negie frowns and bonks her head really hard that she actually fainted. He looks up at the ceiling and immediately covers his face.

Negie: Dumbass...

TS: My bumbum doesn't have a brain!

He quickly bonks her again and goes back to covering his face. He lets out a loud roar as Nightmare and Vio fight each other through Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Vio: Are you not going to help your master?

Nightmare pauses the game and hears Negulbalz cursing out loud. He shrugs and continues their fight.

Nightmare: Nah. 


Axia: Say, we should go out on a date~!

Drum: Axia, I'm a married man and I have children waiting for me at home.

Axia: We should~! *nuzzles Drum*

Before Drum could say anything, his son, who is now wearing clothes similar to Gao's, appears out of nowhere and punches Axia away from his dad.


Axia: Ah!!!!!

A portal to Magic World suddenly opens as Axia is send flying in it. Drum the Kid hugs his dad, as his little brothers came crawling towards him and basically buried him alive.

Mini Buddies!! Let's Buddyfight!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora