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Okay, so I'm here at school secretely typing this while everyone else is applying make-up.

So @lirajay asked me if I have any crushes.

Asmodai: DO YOU?!

TS: That's classified. *thumbs up*

Neggie: She has one.

Everyone: ...WHAT?!

TS: Before!

Vio: Oh! It was her seat mate back in the 7th grade, was it?

Everyone: OH!!!!!

TS: *pops knuckles* Ahahaha!

TS: *smiling* Listen up! NEVER talk about my past crush, okay?! *grits teeth*

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TS: *smiling* Listen up! NEVER talk about my past crush, okay?! *grits teeth*

Neggie & Vio: We're sorry.


Everyone: S-sure!


Little side note, so yeah, my previous crush was my seat mate back in the 7th grade. I immediately got over him less than 5 months or so after being very rude to me, and I particularly hate him for not letting me borrow his note, since I usually sat at the back and didn't have glasses.

Now, we're still classmates, but most of my other classmates ship me with him as a tease or some sh*t. Common thing here, BTW.

So if you're asking who's my current crush...Huehe, it's a secret! I mean, I have a few anime crushes, including girls. One, fore example, is Plutia from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series.

Anyways! I've answered your question (that wasn't in the Q&A...!) and hope you have a good day...Or night, where ever you live. XD



Neggie: *cleaning TS' room* That brat, making me do her chores...Hm? *sees a white notebook* Is this her diary? *opens it & sees a bunch of names* Useless! *throws it*

TS: Hey- AH!!! *catches the notebook* Don't throw this, it's my precious!

Neggie: Hey, it's your fault for leaving it around. What is that anyway?!

TS: ...My friend book.

Neggie: ....THAT'S STUPID!

TS: Oh, shut up! I have a short term memory!

Neggie: *lols*

TS: *shoves him the book & a pen* Write your name!

Neggie: Sure!

Neggie: *ded* *mouth foaming*

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Neggie: *ded* *mouth foaming*

Vio: *gasps* What happened?!

Nightmare: You gave a Death Note, didn't you?!

TS: Nah, he choked on an apple or something.

Nightmare: My lord! I will save you! *tries to perform CPR*

Vio: *steps on Neggie's stomach*

Neggie: *coughs out a pen* TS, YOU B*TCH!

TS: Heh.


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