Evil Buddies' Association

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A randomly chapter to seethe my boredom! ENJOY!

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In an underground facility, a bunch of Buddy monsters has gathered for one main reason...

And that reason is to celebrate Gallows' birthday!

Gallows: Cheers to us, the EBA!

Everyone: Cheers!

The Buddies who were there all had one thing in common; they were all Buddies of the series' antagonists! Buddy monsters of Disaster, Chaos Control Company, Hundred Demons, and many more were there! In one table, Yersinieas challenged Gratos to a drinking contest, while in the other table Yamigedo and Zodiac (Doctor Gara's Buddy, in case y'all have forgotten.... Even me.) were happily eating all the chips they could steal- I mean find!

Deathgaze: You enjoying the party, bud?

Gallows: Why, of course-


All the Buddy monsters groaned in disappointment. This was their fifth time getting raided by the Buddy Police.

Cerberus: *looks at Deathgaze* We thought no one would find us here.

Deathgaze: I have no freakin' clue how they found us... Sorry Gallows, looks like the party's over.

Gallows: Aw... *pouts*

Yersinieas slams his mug onto the table and struts his way to the door. As he was about to open it, the door slams on his face and crushes his entire body on the nearby wall, turning him back to his card form. Three monsters step out of the darkness; Vanity, Dan's Buddy Bloody Eyes, and Negie.

Geargod: What a surprise. We did not expect you to come.

Vanity: Well, that guy invited me. *points at Azi Dahaka*

The rest of the Buddies looked at Azi, who was busy playing Smash Bros. Ultimate against Geargod. He lets out a loud cuss as he loses to Geargod, who takes away a sash that has the words "Best Villain of the franchise" and placed around his eye.

Azi Dahaka: *turns around* What?

Death-modai: You invited him?? He's not even in the same generation as us!

Dark Miserea: Who cares, man! The more, the merrier! *laughs* And the more for me to bully..!

Death-modai: Bruh.

Azi Dahaka: I have no qualms on whether he lives in the same time as us or not. He is a villain like us, so he deserves to be here.

Deathgaze: Man, spoken like a true man- Er, I mean dragon!

Gallows: Wait a minute, why do I have a feeling that you only invited him so that-

Azi Dahaka immediately snatches the sash from Geargod and uses it to cover Gallows' mouth.

Gallows: Mphghemvphf!

Azi Dahaka: Silence, birthday celebrant.

The three newcomers gave him a look, but soon dismissed it as they are "warmly" welcomed by the others. Bloody Eyes soon makes his way to the drinking booth, and challenges Gratos to a contest, however...

Voremos: Gratos, we wish to go home.

Gratos: What?

Aberrucia: I need my beauty sleep now. *yawns* And Thanatos is starting to go crazy over there.

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