Kiri's Random Thoughts Part 3

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Hello minna-san! Today we have another KRT Chappy for you all! Yay! *throws confetti in the air* But I think this is the most depressing one! DX Now to the disclaimers!

Kiri: TS doesn't own FC Buddyfight, Bushiroad-san does. Enjoy!


Before Kiri became....Kiri. He was the 3rd Water Omni Lord, Miserea from Dungeon World. But we can all just call him Kiri or Miserea or whatever floats your bubbles〜!

Miserea: Ahem.

Oh yeah! On to the point, Miserea just came back after fighting YamiGhetto for the sake of the universe. After that, all the original 8 Omni Lords made an agreement with each other...


We're sorry, but please go to episode IDK in Future Card Buddyfight Hundred for more information about this flashback. ( ・∇・)

Sincerely yours,

〜End of Flashback〜

Miserea: *sweatdrops* Seriously?

Joker: Miserea-dono, who are you talking to?

Miserea turns around to see a brown colored Joker.

Joker: Well, excuse me but I have a name other than a brown colored Joker! I am "Aide of the Water Lord, Stein Blade Joker"!

Miserea: *mutters* No wonder you're brown...

Joker: What was that, Miserea-dono?
Miserea: *looks away* Nothing.
Joker: Oh....Ok!

Joker walks away as Miserea secretly created a portal to the nearby village.

When Miserea arrived, he disguised himself as a normal human, and went under the alias of Mizuki. I know, it's really feminine! XD

Miserea: *frowns*

Oops, sorry! Now on to the point! Miserea walked around until he saw a group of kids playing with a ball. The ball was tossed towards Miserea, but he caught it. A little boy with darkish teal hair walked towards him.

???: E-excuse me. *coughs* Can we have our ball back..?

Miserea: Sure.

Miserea gave the ball back to the boy, but he, instead, dragged Miserea towards the group of children.

???: Hey guys! Can this guy join?! *coughs*

One of the kids, who was a brunette ran towards the teal haired boy and pats his back.

???: Yota-nii! You shouldn't yell!

DNGN World Yota: Ehehe. *rubs the back of his head* Sorry, Ba-kun.

DNGN World Baku: *sighs* Seriously, take care of your health! *looks at Miserea* Hm...

Miserea: *nervously sweating* Y-yes?

DNGN World Baku: You're cool enough. 

Miserea: O-oh. *thinking* (SDGDGJDFXG THANK GOODNESS!!!)

DNGN World Yota: *smiles* That's good! Come on! 

DNGN World Yota drags Miserea with the rest of the group, some of them with familiar faces. Like Kuguru, Tetsuya, Noboru and a bunch of other kids who seem unimportant to this mini series' plot.

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