Cooking w/ Ikazuchi! ☆ (Part 1)

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Ossu, minna-san! (^o^)

Ikazuchi: Why am I here, woman?!

TS: Calm your horses, Zuchin. Remember when I told you that you would have your own series?

Ikazuchi: Yeah, what about it?
TS: Well, it is time...
Ikazuchi: Time for what?
TS: Time for-
Ikazuchi: Just spit it now, woman!

TS: I present you...Your own mini series! *showers Ikazuchi w/ confetti*

Ikazuchi: A what?

TS: *frowns* You promised that you would do this after I won against you in chess.

Ikazuchi: I hate chess!

TS: Then why did you agreed to play when you hate it?

Ikazuchi:.... I'm just competitive, ok?!

TS: Ahem, let me explain how this works. You have to cook something that appears on the screen and cook it while teaching our dearly readers step by step.

Ikazuchi: No way in h*ll am I cooking-
TS: I'll take away YamiGhetto.

Ikazuchi: ....FINE! By the way, this woman here doesn't own Buddyfight, Bushiroad does.


Ikazuchi: So today we'll be making fried chicken...*looks away* Great....

TS: Ikazuchi! Do it again! And don't be a Rouga!

Ikazuchi: Is that a term or something?

TS: What is?

Ikazuchi: *talks in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone* Uh, Rouga?

TS: Oh, that. Well, Rouga is always looking away and muttering something, and he's also a grump. So yeah, the term "Rouga" is made. And speaking of Rouga, he's here〜!

Rouga: Don't use my name for stupid reasons!

Ikazuchi: Uh.... Hi?
Rouga:...Let's get started, shall we?
Ikazuchi: *surprised* Huh?!

Rouga: I never told this to anyone except Kyoya but I like fried chicken, it's cheap.

Ikazuchi:*speechless* Uh.....

Rouga: First, you'll need chicken, egg, flour, bread crumbs, oil, gas, and a frying pan. The bread crumbs are optional. Right, Ikazuchi?

Ikazuchi: Huh? I-I mean yeah! Sometimes people use buttermilk to make the coating even more crispy!
*thinking* (He's taking this so seriously! This is so out of character. I repeat, OUT OF CHARACTER!)

Rouga: *smirks* You are quite knowledgeable about fried chicken, that's good. 

Ikazuchi: T-that's because my mom makes it all the time! Well, not literally..!

Rouga:....I see. Well, you can add spices if you want, but I really don't care, nor does Cerberus as he doesn't like chicken.

Ikazuchi: Huh? How come?

Rouga: TS told me about the bones, he might get choked.

Ikazuchi: He has THREE HEADS! And he's big, why would you even listen to that woman any-

TS: Ahem. *glares* This is not a sitcom, you two. This is a cooking Chappy, so get on with it before I turn your Buddies into pets.

Rouga: *gulps* Y-yeah, sure....So what's first, Ikazuchi?

Ikazuchi: Uh. It's to slice them into bits?

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