Lucky Logic

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OSSU! Minna-san! Oh my flip, I'm so excited for this cross-over! (≧▽≦)

Sena: Wow, to be featured in a fanfic...I'm honored, I hope Tamaki-neesan reads this.

TS: Pfft! Read this?! She'll appear instead of reading.

Sena: Really?! Hey Asura, did you hear that? Tamaki-neesan is here!

Asura: *laughs* Sena, Sena, Sena. *stops laughing* She's not here.

Sena: .....What?

Asura: Sure she's in this chapter, but she's still in Tokyo, while you are stuck here in Kyoto.

Sena: Nekoshi, you...... BITCH!!! Trance!

Asura: *sighs* Here we go again.

-Sena Trances with Asura and punches me to the moon. Well, not literally-

TS: Ossu〜!!!


TS: Ehem..W-well, minna-san. Looks like Sena-chan punched me from Kyoto all the way to Naein.

Tamaki: So you met my sister?

TS: Yeah, and she punched me from Kyota all the way to Naein. Man, that chick packs a punch...

Mana: .....So that's why your sack is torn in half....

Chloe: We can see your face already! *pokes TS' cheek*

TS: Argh! Chloe, stop that!
Chloe: *pouts* Meanie!

Valkyrie: Now, now, Chloe. She just arrived, give her a moment to relax from that...Er, trip.

Artemis: Patience is a virtue.
Mana:...Mhm. *nods*

TS: And by the way, where's Athena?

Mana: Dragging Yoshichika.

Artemis: Bonds never shatter, even by the sharpest of knives.

TS: Uh...I'm getting more confused now.

Tamaki: It means they're on a date.

TS: Oh, so they're not searching for his Logic Card?

Chloe: Nope, just dating. :3
Venus: Ah~! Love is so beautiful!
TS: Love sucks.

Venus: Aw, don't be so bitter, Nekoshi! Let me give you a little lesson about love~!

TS: No. And what's with Nekoshi?

Tamaki: Well, since in Japanese, your name is translated into Neko Shatsu, we decided to call you Nekoshi because it's cute and totally doesn't suit you.

TS: Thanks...I guess?

Chloe: Anyways, let's get this Chappy started!

Mana:...Mhm. TS doesn't own either L&L and BF, enjoy.


In Tasuku's apartment, he just laid there on his bed while Jack comes in with a bowl of soup. Tasuku sneezed as Jack stood besides Tasuku and began feeding him.

Jack: Open wide〜.

Tasuku: *frowns* Quit acting like my mom, if I had one, that is... *coughs*

Jack: Don't be like that, it's not my fault that there was a criminal fighter running wild during a thunderstorm.

Tasuku: *laughs* Yeah, good thing you were in your Thunder Storm form. Now, what's in that?

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