Innocent my Ass

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Minjung rubbed her eyes. She felt and arm around her waist and smiled to herself. She let out a sigh as she turned to face the heart eye bandit closing her eyes again. The younger snuggled into the older's neck and breathed in the older's Japanese Yuzu scent.

Hyewon stirred from her sleep and laid on her back. "Good morning babe." She hummed. "Stop breathing on my neck."

Minjung threw her right leg over the older and moved her face closer to the older's neck defiantly. "I don't wanna."



"Okay have it your way." Hyewon cooed. She pushed Minjung onto her back as she placed her knees on either side of the younger. She leans down. Hyewon's mouth rests at Minjung's pulse point.

The younger flutters her eyes closed waiting for Hyewon's lips to make contact with her neck. But it didn't come. All Minjung felt was the older's hot breath.

Minjung swallowed the lump in her throat. Hyewon felt her gulp and smirked. "Want more?"

There was no reply which made Hyewon raise her eyebrow. Without warning, the older attached her lips to the younger's neck. She gently bit the smooth skin of the younger's neck before letting her tongue glide across the bite mark. Instinctively, Minjung grabbed a handful of Hyewon's hair drawing her closer.

After a few seconds at Minjung's neck, Hyewon moved down to the girl's collarbone. But before she could, Minjung places both her hand on each side of the older's face and brought her up to meet her eyes.

Minjung flipped their positions so Hyewon now laid on her back. The younger connected their lips while the older hummed before responding to the kiss. Minjung then took the older's bottom lip between her teeth.

Hyewon's hands wrapped around Minjung's neck to pull the younger closer. She let her tongue escape from her mouth and into Minjung's.

It occurred to Minjung that this was the first time she and Hyewon were French Kissing. She didn't mind it one bit. Their tongues swirled fighting for dominance.

Hyewon flipped their positions again without breaking the kiss and snaked her hand under Minjung's shirt to her right breast kneading it. The younger exasperated a muffled moan as Hyewon kissed the younger's lips.

Unfortunately, it was loud enough to wake the leader who was sleeping below them. The eldest stood at the edge of her bed to find where the sound came from.

"GET your hand out of her shirt!" Eunbi yelled. Hyewon retracted her hand from the younger's shirt while pulling away from her lips. The youngest in the room groaned with the loss of contact. "Minjung go back to your bed. It's 5:00am."

The youngest sighed before looking at her girlfriend. She cupped Hyewon's face with her right hand and pulled her for a brief kiss. "I love you. See you later beautiful."

Minjung climbed down the step ladder and trudged to her room and snuggled under her lavender blankets.

She woke up later to the smell of eggs cooking. She lazily walked towards the bathroom to brush her teeth. After doing her morning routines, she noticed a purple mark on her neck. Minjung quickly found the hair straightener and proceeded to straighten her hair as a cover for the events that unfolded earlier that day.

     Minjung held the straightener in her left hand. It was at a 200 degrees Celsius (392 Fahrenheit). She could feel the heat radiating off of the straightener. She braced herself before she pressed the straightener on her neck for a millisecond.

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