Someone's Jealous

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This chapter is recommended by a reader. It's probably going to be very very long. Sorry if it comes to that.
(How Izone makes Minjung Jealous)
     Minjung sat in the kitchen with her back towards the tv. Without her phone or laptop, it seemed useless to stay in bed the whole day. Although Minjung needed sleep, sleeping for 2 months doesn't seem right. She was reading Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
     Chaewon has recommended that book to read and many others. In fact they were her books from home and Woollim dorm. The books were in English so Minjung didn't have trouble reading. She did however have trouble distinguishing between the actual text, her annotations and Chaewon's annotations. The two girls used up all the available space for their analysis. There were even post it notes sticking out of the book.
     Behind her, Eunbi and Nako sat on the black leather couch watching A Quiet Place. They were snuggled up together and so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Until the loud music sounded from the movie, the two jumped apart. After that, Nako moved to bury her head into Eunbi's shoulder. Eunbi patted her and whispered 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ、it's okay) into her ear.
     The loud noise scared Minjung also. As she turned around, the girl found Nako in Eunbi's arms. The girl couldn't help but stare. That is supposed to be me in Eunbi unnie's arms. She thought. After a long minute, Chaewon tapped on the dining table so Minjung could continue reading.
     Minjung gave one last glare towards Eunbi and grabbed the book before strolling into her room. She did not come out of the room until dinner time, after she finished Heart of Darkness and started a new book.
     Dinner went well until only one dumpling remained. Minjung eyed the steamed pork and onion wrapped in dough as her mouth watered. That dumpling is mine. She smirked. As she reached for the dumpling, her chopsticks clashed with another pair.
     Those pair of chopsticks belonged to none other than the short girl herself. The duo's eyes met and if looks could kill they'd both stop breathing. The stare turned into a chopstick fight for two whole minutes. They fought until a third chopstick intervened. It stabbed into the juicy center and placed the dumpling on Nako's plate. Minjung peered at the culprit and her blood boiled. She's supposed to give that to me. She always gave it to me.
     "Hey I can't eat any midnight snacks for two months so I might as well eat as much as I can during meal times." Minjung claimed grabbing the dumpling from Nako's plate.
     "Park Minjung! Give that dumpling back to Nako! Her chopstick touched it first." Eunbi scolded. With a sigh and a slight role of her eyes, she returned the dumplings to the shorter girl. Now that Eunbi ruined her appetite, she placed the dish in the sink and trudged into her room.
     Once the room closed, Chaeyeon spoke up, "Unnie don't you think you're being too harsh on her?"
     "No she brought a boy into the dorm remember. Three boys in fact." Eunbi reasoned.
     "But it's Haechan, Jaemin and Mark." Minjoo defended. "Minjung and Haechan are cousins, her and Jaemin are practically siblings and Mark has known Minjung almost as long as I have know her. They aren't a danger to her."
     "Plus she's 'beaten' the three of the up before." Hyewon joined.
Maybe I am being too harsh. I mean two months without phones, TV, laptops, affection, or the freedom to go out is like death... No Eunbi even if those three men aren't a danger she still did it without your consent. Eunbi contemplated. "Fine I'll go apologize but she is still grounded."
     Eunbi walked towards the smaller room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" She heard. As she opened the door, Minjung sat at a mini desk and absorbed herself in the book Beloved by Toni Morrison—the one she read after finishing Heart of Darkness.
     "I'm sorry I've been giving all my attention to Nako lately, but you're still grounded and I haven't been giving her the love and attention she needed." Eunbi apologized.
     Without looking up from the book, Minjung answered, "Apology accepted. It's fine, really. I expect a cuddle party in April." She then set down the red with gold lettered book down and moved from the desk. Minjung stood and punched Eunbi lightly, earning a weird stare from the leader. "Take it or leave it. This is my form of affection for the next two months."

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