Okay Maybe We Are All Jealous Continued

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Minjung lazed around on the couch with a blanket over her body. The dorm one kids laughed and smiled while making midnight snacks.
The water simmered in the silver metal pot cooking the yellow noodles. Steam jetted out through the small hole an inch from the edge.
     A girl in a Primgle's long T-shirt ran to the steaming pot and tried to take the lid off. She reached for the lid but dropped it when she felt the heat radiating on the handle. She got burned.
The lid slid off the side of the pot hitting the handle. The metal handle turned counter clockwise and tipped over the stove top.
The koala jumped over the couch, leaving the the comforter on the couch. Just as the handle started to move, she ran to the stove and turned off the fire catching the scorching pot and placing it back onto the stove.
She quickly removed the lid and poured the seasoning into the pot and mixed it wincing every now and then.
Minjung moves the pot to the dinner table and fetched chopsticks for the youngest. She then went to the closet by the door and grabbed the first aide kit in the Koala's emergency backpack.
As she returned to the giant, the youngest whimpered with a red spot on her arm. She became uncomfortable as the sleeve of her shirt rubbed against her skin.
Minjung lifted Wonyoung's sleeve as she kneeled on the ground. She retrieved her burn spray and shook it. She then proceeded to spray the younger's arm. Minjung dabbed a cotton ball in and around the injury. After a soft breeze to the burn, Minjung wrapped the younger's arm in a bandage.
The older girl took the chopsticks from the younger and fed her. She used her left hand to catch the noodles. As she brought her hand up to Wonyoung's face, the younger noticed the koala's hand turned extremely red. "Unnie your hand."
While this, Nako had set a bucket in the sink, filling it with cool water. When the bucket filled 75 percent, Nako called Minjung to submerge her hand it. After fifteen minutes, she took it out and wrapped her left hand.
Minjung went to Wonyoung's shared room and prepped her bed for sleep. Wonyoung has left the pot in the sink and went to the bathroom. Through the pain, Minjung washed the pot with one hand and left it to dry.
She met Wonyoung in the younger's bed and tucked her in. She kissed the younger's forehead and said goodnight.
The next morning, when the group went out on an MT, Minjung fed Wonyoung and gave the baby her jacket.
Nako watched Minjung as she did this with Wonyoung. She remembered when Izone just formed and Minjung brought the J-Line to Korean Barbecue. She had cooked for them and cut the food for them too. Afterwards she treated them to ice cream.
When she became sick, Minjung had taken care of the older girl and bundled her up. Even when Nako wasn't sick, Minjung still took care of the older girl. Is Wonyoung going to take up all her time now? She thought.
Nako purposely rolled down the hill to get Minjung's attention. She did. Minjung sprinted down the hill and caught Nako. The taller girl winced in pain as catching Nako caused her to apply pressure to her left hand. The skin on her hand peeled and she began to bleed.
"Nako are you okay?" Minjung asked checking the older for injuries. "Wait here I'll go get my backpack." She went not noticing her hand.
She came back with her backpack. Neosporin and band aides in hand. The younger girl found no cuts so she wiped the older girl of dirt and grime. She still had not noticed her hand bleeding.
"Minjung, I'm sorry." Nako pouted. Minjung hummed a confused tone. Nako lifted Minjung's left hand and showed her the blood soaking through the bandage. "I didn't mean to hurt you further by pretending to roll down the hill. I... I was scared that you wouldn't take care of me anymore."
Minjung returned a small smile and shook her head. As she stopped the bleeding by adding pressure and wrapping her injury, the younger said, "Just because I start taking care of other people doesn't mean I care about you any less. You know, I like to help people. Even if helping people causes me to injure myself. I would still love you because you're my smol baby. So don't say sorry."
"I'm sorry."
"Nako!" Minjung started.
"Shush respect your elders when they are speaking."
"Nine da..."
"Ssssshhhhhhh." Nako spoke rubbing her hand over Minjung's face.
"I'm sorry that I was jealous of the way you treated Wonyoung."
"It's really okay Nako, everyone gets jealous. It's being human. We are scared to lose something that we have.When a person does those certain things to someone else, it makes us feel vulnerable. And that scares us further. It's okay to get jealous."
"I think you didn't just hurt your hand, you hurt you head too."

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