Snowy Day

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Izone has a snowball fight.

"Guys lets have a snowball fight." Yujin cheered.

"It's the middle of April, Yujin. There is no snow." Hitomi spoke.

"Then a sand ball fight." Wonyoung suggested.

"No! Sand hurts." Yena yelled glaring at Minjung.

"Then we can go to Hokkaido, Japan." Sakura commented.

That did it. The thirteen girls pact clothing to spontaneously fly to Hokkaido for a snowball fight. 😑

Obviously the mangers were not happy about this, Izone are a bunch of kids, what could anyone expect? Minjung sat next to Hyewon on the plane ride.

Minjung cuddled into the older's right arm and watched two episodes of One Piece together. The two shared their snacks and drinks. And by share, Hyewon ordered two apple juices for Minjung and Minjung gave her M&M cookies to Hyewon from her backpack. The two shared a blanket and peacefully watched Hyewon's screen playing One Piece.

Suddenly Minjung removes herself from Hyewon's gentle touch. She sat straight up in her seat. "Waeyo. Are you okay?" Hyewon asked.


"It's not nothing." Hyewon stated. "I know you." Minjung pouted and her eyes darted from Hyewon, who sat on Minjung's left, to the front and then back to Hyewon. Minjung started to pick at her nails and bite her tongue. Hyewon let our a chuckle and pulled Minjung to her chest. "Is it Yujin?" Minjung sighed confirming Hyewon's suspicions. The older girl then brought her lips to Minjung's ear to speak. "If I only hung out with you then everyone would know that we are together. So I got to hang out with other people. And Eunbi Unnie would get super mad at me. I'm dating a minor after all so just bear with it Okay?"

"Okay." Minjung squeaked as Hyewon ruffled her hair.

     "I gonna go to the bathroom." Hyewon whispered into Minjung's ear.

     "Ew I didn't need to know that." Minjung laughed. "Do you want me to pause the video?" Hyewon shook her head and kissed Minjung's temple before leaving to the restroom. Not five seconds later Minjung felt a presence on her right side. When she looked over she mentally slapped herself.

     The hyperactive puppy had a smirk on he face. The younger continued to arch her eyebrows creeping Minjung out. "Stop that or I'll shave your eyebrows off." Minjung threatened.

     The puppy still had a smile on her face. Her dimples hid the puppy's true intentions. "So you and Hyewon Unnie."
Minjung rolled her eyes. "I see the way you look at her. You're in love with her."

     "We've established that already after the stargazing trip."

     "No you said you were falling in love with Hyewon Unnie. Besides she gives you the same look."

     At this moment in time Minjung loved that Hyewon didn't express her emotions well. "That's her face for everything."

     "No but the way her eyes light up every time someone is talking about you, when you walk into the room, when you talk to her, when...

     "You leave? Look there is nothing going on between Hyewon and I but that doesn't mean I love her any less. And I'm not going to force her to love me. That's her choice. So go back to your little love triangle and deal with 2Kim."

      "Oh come on. You love her, she loves you. It's obvious you two are dating." Yujin whispered.

     "I love my brother and he loves me. (That) Doesn't mean we are dating." Minjung rebutted. "Gosh I hope we are on different teams later so I can...."

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