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     Nako walked on the white marble tiles next to her pink luggage. She pulled out her phone and focused on the Apple device. She waved at the fans until she reached the car.
     During the two hour car ride, Nako listened to Twice's Dance the Night Away album. She knew every dance move to perform without skipping a beat.
As she arrived at the dorm, she plopped onto the black leather couch. There was no doubt that Nako was tired. From Izone's Japanese debut preparations, to award shows, to ISAC preparations. However, it seemed that the hectic schedule did not effect the Giant Baby, the Puppy and the Duck.
Moments after the dorm two kids set their bags, they headed for dorm one. Bang bang bang. Nako widened her eyes and took a deep breath readying herself for the trouble makers. Her eyes fluttered closed and she turned to lay on her back. Once Pandora's door opened, screams filled the dorm. Someone violently shook Nako's shoulder and another poked her stomach. Or it could've been the same person.
     Nako's eyes burst open burning holes into Yujin face. The younger never saw Nako like that. Yujin's eyes darted towards the kitchen, then the entrance, then to the television. She swallowed her saliva and continued her energy elsewhere.
Nako closed her eyes and let out a giant breath. She could now relax. Or she thought. The puppy decided that she would jump onto Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon, definitely wasn't ready for the extra weight. Her legs buckled and gravity called to the duo. Boom! Thud! Chaeyeon and Yujin lied on the floor, their legs tangled while Chaeyeon sprawled over the floor. "Ow." The duo groaned.
"Yah Yujin! Stop messing around and making a ruckus" Eunbi scolded.
"Chaeyeon Unnie is the one who fell and made the loud noise." Yujin retorted.
"Because you thought it was a good idea to jump her!" Nako spat running towards Yujin. Yujin extended her arm and placed it on Nako's head holding her in place. Nako swung her fists but couldn't reach. Yujin, with her hand still on Nako, yawned and released her arm. Nako fell to the floor. "Ya Ahn Yujin you're dead!" She shouted.
"What are you going to do about it? Call Eunbi Omma?" Yujin teased while sticking her tongue out. The two ran around the dorm, well Yujin jogged while Nako ran.
     "Déjà vu." Chaewon, Minj00, and Yena agreed.
"Yujin stop bothering Nako. She needs sleep," Minjung chimed. However, Yujin was too busy running from Nako. Looking at the eldest and the the injured blonde. Minjung blinked a couple times and stepped in front of Yujin and hugged her. Even though Yujin was taller, Minjung was able to throw Yujin over her shoulder. "Bye we'll be back in about an hour." Minjung stated with Yujin thrashing around.
After they left, Nako scurried back to the couch. Nako relaxed until she felt someone reach into her pocket. However, Nako was too tired to move. A few minutes later, Nako heard a mix of snickers and groans. She couldn't sleep with voices tickling her ears.
"Wonyoung~ you're going to lock Nako's phone for 5000 hours." Hitomi whined. "Give it back."
Wonyoung continued to unlock the device. Five tries later, the Giant Baby groaned. Nako sat up and barely peeked over the sofa. Her eyes widened and she immediately jumped over the couch to Wonyoung. Wonyoung, the Prankster she is, held the phone above her head. Being 20 centimeters taller had its perk. Like annoy all the shorties.
Nako jumped and climbed, jumped and climbed, jumped and climbed. Alas she couldn't reach the phone. This resulted in a pout followed by a glare.
"Nako Unnie, how do you not have a case on your phone?" Wonyoung asked, arm still extended, but now Wonyoung balances on her toes.
"Because the phone won't break if she dropped it from her height." Yena chimed.
Nako stopped jumping and whipped around to Yena. "Listen you duck-lipped, horrible fashioned, 2 point bowling monk! I may be small but I can move faster than your lazy butt." Nako remarked.
No one spoke. Everyone's jaw plummeted to the floor. All scared by Nako's next roast. Even though Nako just woke from a nap-ish, she finished a roasted duck hours before dinner. With everyone in bewilderment, Nako skipped to her room with her pig tails swinging and her phone back in her hands.
     "Ok who knew the dwarf could do that?" Minjoo uttered. Nako stopped in place and turned freakishly slow towards Minjoo.
     "Ooh I've always wanted to try roasted frog," Nako smirked as Minjoo gulped. "Seasoned with a bit of salt. Dwarf? Who are you calling a Dwarf? Well I'll tell you this. My cuteness, my vocals, my visuals, all dwarfs yours."
     Eunbi felt a pang in her heart. Her cutest child has been hiding her barbecue equipment. Then again, the girls deserved it for making fun of her child. One thing is for sure after tonight though, don't mess with Yabuki Nako's height.

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