Heart and Soul Filled Shout

Start from the beginning

"Wait what is this magic aura surging around (Y/N)" Koneko asked as she seen the aura flare highly.

"A dragons true power. I'm surprised that Brutus is allowing his power to be used so freely" said Ddraig the dragon inside of Issei. Causing Issei to look to his hand in surprise.

After the large aura flare, the dragon aura surrounded your body forming a dark metal on your body like the night at the church when Asia died.

"This form? Heh! Awesome now I can totally kick ass!" You shouted as you came down with a hard fist slamming into Titans jaw. From there using the momentum you had to rebound off a tree to his gut you used both knees hitting hard knocking the giant back a good amount. But at the same time he tried to grab you, yet you were able to stop his attempt by stopping his hand but when you did this his other arm came and slammed with a closed fist doing what many thought was fatal damage.

Zatouji hung his head slowly shaking it. He slowly looked back to Titan has his fist collided with his flat hand that had been stopped. "I am terribly sorry, but...this is the fate of most who challenge Titan. Crushed from the fists of the god summon familiar."

Everyone was wide eyes and mouth agape. Asia began to slightly shake as she slowly looked down "you...you promised me.." she said as small tears began to build.

"What a tragic fate to befall him." Said Akeno as she looked upon the scene until.

"Wait everyone! Look Titan's hands! Th-Their-" Issei began as he seen them slowly being separated slightly.

Asia looked up slowly "you promised me...you'll come back I know you will." She said as she watched said scene before her.

You let out a loud shout as you began pushing apart Titan's hands with all your strength. Your arms buffed up majorly coated in a new shiny and beautiful metal with engravings covering it.

"I've released more power to you but due to this it will only last a short while end it quick or meet your immediate Doom. I've raised your physical strength phenomenally but as I said due to this" Said the dragon in your head. You nodded as you began pushing once enough distance was made between the two hands with a quick burst of magic power you flew out of the gap made.

Titan's eyes followed you as he reeled back for a punch. When he did throw said punch you spun out of the way and ran down his arm reaching his face quickly punching his jaw as hard as you possibly could, yet due to that and your bodies limits as well as previous injuries incurred the metal the beefed you up shattered along with the dark metal that formed, all the was left behind was your normal arm.

"Damn it dragon wasn't lying about this power not lasting overly long...Shit it hurts! But I still gotta try! I may have shattered my right but a boxer has two fists for a reason, and so do I!" You yelled throwing all of your power into your left fist hitting as hard as you could doing devestating just like with your right fist, but as well just like your right the metal on it shattered all the way to just your bare arm.

"Shit...if I hit him again with that force it'll destroy my arm but it seems like it's my only choice! Eat this!" You shouted dashing at him once more planning to end it with a final blow but as you did Titan dodged and the quickly with one hand swatted you down.

As you fell from the large hit it felt like time slowed down. Your ears were ringing from the impact. The wind felt like cold daggers cutting into the skin. Then you slammed to the ground with a loud boom and a dust cloud rising as a large shadow loomed over you.

"The ringing..it was unbearable, the wind whipping past. It burned. How did it even come to this...Why am I here. What even happened? I'm in a crater...with this giant looming over me...I don't wanna...die" you thought to yourself as your eyes slowly shut.

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