Different & The Same

Start from the beginning

Upon reaching the boys' room John leaves us and I knock on the door. As I wait I hear the boys squabbling over who's going to open the door. Then suddenly there's banging of footsteps then a thud as if someone has fell on the floor then scratching on the door then finally the door bursts open and it's Connor who's stood there grinning. I look behind him and all the others are on the floor crippled in agony.

"...hiii...what did you do to them Connor?" i ask him laughing as the others groan.

"Pfft well I definitely didn't pull or push them to the ground or jump on their back and make them fall...definitely not!" he answers grinning to himself pleased with his work.

"Definitely not!" I say back to him as he sweeps me off of my feet and spins my round in a tight hug making me laugh a hell of a lot.

When Connor finally puts me down my feet are pulled from beneath me so automatically I squeeze my eyes shut and prepare to feel the impact of the floor but instead I feel two large hands grasp my arms then hear a familiar laugh. I slowly open one eye and see Tris smiling down on me. Then open my other eye and look down at my feet and see an 'innocent' Brad looking up at me with those big brown eyes. I let out a sigh of relief and Tristan pulls me back onto my feet. I turn around and throw my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist tightly pulling me closer.

"It's good to see you De!" Tris whispers in my ear.

"You too, Tris!" I whisper back. Pulling out of the hug I turn around and Brad is stood there with a smile plastered to his face so I mirror his smile. This makes Brad chuckle and he holds his arms out. I was about to do the same but Brad was too quick and squeezed me tightly with my arms by my side. He lifts my feet off of the floor and I start squerm.

"Brad...I...I can't breath..." I say gasping for air and Brad lets go as he laughs a little.

"Sorry, it's just I've missed you so fucking much!" He says to me.

"Don't cry on me now Simpson!"

"No ma'am!" He stands to attention and I do the same and he stands down. The two of us chuckle and I turn round to the one person I haven't yet said hello to.

"Hello you." I say to him and he smiles the smile I used to know.

"Hello, you feeling better?" he asks me.

"Why yes I do thank you James!" I go to hug him and he kind of hesitates a little so I shake his hand instead and he smiles at me weakly. What was that all about?

"Come on De it's your turn!" Connor says as he grabs my hand and drags me into the lounge.

"My turn for what?" I ask really confused.

"To pick a film!"

"Oh...you kept track?"

"He always keeps track!" Tris adds.

"I do because I believe people come back and my theory hasn't been wrong yet!" Connor explains and I guess that's a good theory to have.

"Well, thanks Con...and I choose...this one!" I pull out the DVD and hand it to Connor who reads the title and nods in approval.

"Nice choice!" Connor takes the disk out of the case and slots it in the tray and when the menu screen comes up the other lads cheer.

"Aww De, I've missed your excellent choice in films!" says Tris, who is sat on my left, as he wraps his right arm around me.

"Man it's been ages since I watched this one!" Brad says as he stretches, sits back and puts his feet up.

"Better coice than your first one De, I'll give you that!" James laughs and all the boys laugh as well. It's good that we can look back at the past and laugh about it even after all that's happened!

"If y'all love it so much then shut the fuck up!" I joke but I soon regret saying it because I recieve a pillow to the face. "Thanks Bradley." I look at him and he smiles an 'innocent' smile.

The words 'Batman Begins' come up on the screen and suddenly all the lads go silent. I look at each of them and their eyes are fixated on the screen. They all look exactly the same but different at the same time. Tristan has a more muscular jawline then I remember, must be because he's been doing a lot of kissing with a certain someone! Connor, his hair seems bigger and puffier, but I love it! Brad has a smilier smile, I bet it's because of Mil, she's always going on about him! I can't blame her he's a charmer that's for sure! James now he's changed since the very last time I saw him but he's not even the guy I knew before that...he's still not completely healed and I feel like being here isn't helping him in anyway whatsoever but I can't not be here...if you get what I mean!

I'm still staring at James when he looks over at me. I don't know why to do so I smile weakly before watching the tele. Man that was awkward! I sneak a glance at him and he's watching the tele again.

"That is such a good film!" Connor yells as he jumps up off of the sofa.

"Yeah it is but we should start getting ready!" Brad says as he tries to stand up from the low sofa.

"Get ready for what?" I ask confused because I wasn't told anything about getting ready for anything.

"Oh, we didn't tell you!" Tris says as he too rises from the sofa. "We've got a concert tonight, actually it's our first Manchester gig!"

"Aww wow good for you guys!" I say proud of then for getting where they are. "Well I'll leave you to get ready then!" I begin walking to the door but I'm stopped by a warm hand wrapping around my wrist and pulling me back.

"You're not going anywhere!" I turn and face the person who stopped me. "Please say you'll come with us, it would great to have you there!"

"Come on De, pretty please?" Brad begs with those brown eyes which I'll have you know are very persuasive!

"Okay...but I need to go home and get ready first." I tell them and they chuckle.

"Sure we'll go by your house then we'll go to the concert!" James says to me smiling.


It's just like old times but not fully...Jelilah aren't a thing! But they're friends and she's back on touch with the guys again, which makes me extremely happy!!!

Sorry chapters are taking so long to publish school work is just getting in the way! 😁 But remember they will always be out at some point! 😊

Thanks for the votes and comments! Huge thanks to the followers, fucking love you guys! Keep reading a view means a lot too!

Thanks again, Fin!😘

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