Familiar? part 3

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"Man Issei your luck for this shit sucks. Not only are none of them what you are searching for but you are ultimately way to picky about this!" You said shaking your head and sighing until you heard Asia let out a shout. With a quick turn of the head you seen a green slime on her. "Slime? Huh not surprised bu- WHY THE FUCK ARE YOUR CLOTHES BURNING AWAY!? AVERT YOUR DAMNED EYES HYOUDO BEFORE I GOUGE THEM OUT AND YOU!" end the sentence about to grab the slime on Asia until...

A huge slime fell onto you constricting your arms and throat. "Fu-ACK! Get it- URHG! OFFA ME DAM-TCH!" when Kiba came to Assist you one landed on his face blinding him. "ACK- ok Hyoudo one time thing! Get thi-URHG! Get this shit off a me and I'll get ya a premium edition book!" You managed to barely choke out but to no avail. Once you seen Issei perving out to each girl you lost it when he looked at Asia. Granted none of the group knew about you and Asia finally sealing the deal but still he knew how attached you were.

"Pests of familiar forest. But yet again killing them off would upset the balance." Said Zatouji. But it fell upon deft ears when you finally snapped out and the Brutus gear showed itself, coating your arms completely.

"I'MMA KILL THEM ALL! DIE DIE DIE!" You shouted in a somewhat feral rage easily able to recognize friend from for but still. After letting out a blood curdling rage scream many of the slimes fleed. But those who stayed ended up stomped to nothing burnt from magic or straight up obliterated.

All that remained was on Asia. You had slightly calmed down and slowly walked over. "Asia honey I'mma gonna get that gunk off you real soon ok just sit still." After saying so you turned and knocked Issei on his ass with a punch to his cheek bone. "You ever and I mean ever eye Asia like that again, while I may not kill you, I'll be liable to break every bone in your fucking body!" You shouted then slowly calmed down and got rid of the remainder on Asia. After the fact with a large blush on your face since Asia was naked where the only cover she had was her arms and hands. You removed your Blazer and wrapped it around her and buttoned it up all the way keeping your eyes locked onto Asia's. After finishing you sighed and shook your head.

"That'll just have to do for now. Sorry Asia. If I was paying Attention those slimes wouldn't have-" you were cut off by Asia wrapping herself around you with a smile and blush.

"It's ok (Y/N) either way in the end you still gave it your all to protect me and even gave me your Blazer so I could be covered. No matter what you think or say you haven't failed me at all." She said making your rage subside even more as the Brutus gear vanished. After this you put your arm around her and held her closer.

"As much as I'd Hate to break up this sweet moment I need you to release Asia for second (Y/N) so I can restore her clothing." Rias said causing you to look up seeing her fully clothed. Confused but trusting you let go of Asia and Rias used her magic to do as she said. Which surprised you.

"Well I wanna know why but at the same time I don't. Yet I feel like you have that spell to make life easier" you said somewhat weirded out by it.

"Wonder if it can remove clothes as well" Issei whispered as he stood up slowly. As he did this a bolt of lightning struck him and everyone followed the source to a small dragon on a branch.

"Ah a baby Sprite dragon. They are rare and so give it a stare. The Sprite could be right if one wishes to get him as a familiar." Said Zatouji as he looked towards you three.

"Well he obviously denied Issei, and I don't know if he would be right for me, so Asia give it a go" you said letting Asia try her hand at getting him. When she did it took much of a liking to her which made you smile. "Well I think that says it. Asia that cute little guy there is gonna be your Familiar." You went to pet him but he slightly sparked a little causing you to slightly recoil.

"They never really like males and they become very protective of their masters" said Zatouji not ryhming for once. When he said this you nodded with everyone else.

"Well then looks like me and the little dude will get along fine then." You said smiling as you went to try petting him again this time with a little more success.

Once this was said Zatouji checked the time with a small watch he had. "If you wish for big and bad you might want to move a tad faster for time is running low. So let us go and find him" he then led your group to the one he knew you would be looking for. A one hundred and sixty-five meter tall behemoth who was purely muscle.

(Here is the big bastard if ya wish to know his appearance. Figured it'd be a good fit)

"We or me call him Titan. As you said the biggest and baddest sonovabitch correct" Zatouji said as he looked to you seeing your excited look granted even though he was crouching you still were like an ant to him. And then finally it stood straight up.

"So then how do I get him to be mine, do I gotta do some kinda ritual or do the thing I wanna do which is fight him?" You asked him as you stared at Titan.

"You are correct the only way he chooses a master is by proving their worth in combat. Only a select few have gotten him. Are you sure you wanna do this death is quite possible to happen and none of us can help you." He said to you without ryhme it was scary to see and hear but truthfully this would be a good test.

"Yeah I give it my all against him." You said with a smirk then felt a slight tug on your shirt causing you to turn to Asia.

"Please come back. I couldn't bear it if i-" she was cut off by you stepping forward and Kissing her with passion, surprising everyone yet not surprising them. After a few seconds once you finally separated you smiled at her then ran after saying something only she could hear.

As you ran towards him you smirked "I'll come back. You can count on it love bug!" Once close you activated the Brutus gear and shouted to Titan "Hey big guy! I plan on being your next master so get ready for an ass whooping you'll never and I mean never forget!"

Titan looked down at you and sent the first punch without a word when it came down you caught his fist and held it up.

"HOLY SHIT! DAMN IT THIS IS HEAVY BUT NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH!" you screamed and finally pushed him off and lunged hitting his jaw hard. After hitting him you landed on his shoulder, once you had you sledgehammered your fists down on it causing Titan to lose balance but not before he had grabbed you in his hand.

"Sh-Shit! Gotta br-breal free before it's cr-crunch time!" You said slowly prying his hand open trying to free yourself from his crushing grasp. Once free you hopped into the sky and looked at him. "Damn it... can't get grabbed or hit again... But in a fight like this that's impossible."

You slowly looked back to your group then to Asia.

"Right...I made a promise to her... I'll walk outta this alive! Because I'm gonna marry her someday!" You shouted powering yourself up.

The next chapter shall be one hell of a battle. While it won't be called Familiar part 4 you shall see it's name and also I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter
And yes I know a little unoriginal taking a good summon from FFXV but I though it would be an awesome fit and I'll explain some perks next chapter where this should finish off.
See you all next chapter!

Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat