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Until his eyes landed on a face, not just any face but...


He was far, it made him hesitant if that was him but as he squinted his eyes for a clearer vision, it was him.

"Taehyung?!" He exclaimed happily as his face lit up of a radiation of brilliant joy.

Just as he was about to get away, he squeezed in through the crowd of people, he didn't care whether he bumped into someone or not, some cursed under their breath due to their vexation, yet those didn't hold any significance to Jungkook at that moment.

His heart started beating fast and he swore that he could feel it pulsate vehemently, like it was about to hop out of his chest.

'My Taehyung's here!' his cheeks were painful from smiling as he made his way towards the leaving man.

The man from afar was getting further from him and it was hard for Jungkook to reach him. So he called out, "Tae!" He waved at the man. He still didn't pay any attention to him and he jostled through the people once again, a few disgruntled people glared his way.

"Why wasn't he noticing?" He asked himself.

He then called out again, but the man from afar didn't bother to whip his head to that direction.


"Who was that?" Taehyung heard a man's voice.

He attempted to look for the source of the noise, he stood on his toes to see better. It turns out that his sight couldn't reach the visual of the voice.

"Maybe I'm just hearing things," he turned away and continue to window shop the assorted novelties that the store had offered.

Then he heard it again.

He widened his eyes and he turned around to be on the look out for the microphone-like voice that boomed.

After a while of searching, he decided to exit the shop, it was a waste since there were so much stuff that had caught his attention.

"Who was that man?" He asked himself then ran to another direction to meet Jin, who was waiting for him at the nearby lounging area.


"Tae!" He chased the oblivious man down the area.

Jungkook quickened his pace to catch up with him. Finally the man stopped and he ran up to the person, grabbed him and kissed him without even looking at him since he had his eyes closed.

He felt the man roughly pushing him away, vexation rattled his voice,"who the hell are you?!" He held his lips and glared at him. His eyes widened in realisation that it was not Taehyung; it just looked like him from that angle.

"Shit!" He stomped his foot and groaned angrily.

'Fuck fuck fuck! Why now?!' He pulled on his hair frustratedly.

"I-I deeply apologise, I thought you were someone else," he explained to the weirded man who gave him a dirty look.

"You- you looked a lot like him," he muttered and pouted, sad that he got his hopes up too high.

Then he saw an angry woman stomping her way towards them, then she was fuming with anger when she punched her boyfriend's arm and questioned, "babe, who's this?"

"N-No one! He just kissed me," he blocked her physical attacks by his arm.

She turned to Jungkook with a nefarious glare, and she shouted with tears, "and who are you?! How long have the both of you cheated on me?" She swung her heavy bag on Jungkook's face and punched him on the shoulder.

He defended himself by using his arm to swat away the attacks of the woman.

With that situation, she thought that her boyfriend was homosexual, and her ears were almost releasing smokes.

"Babe stop! This is just all a misunderstanding!" Her boyfriend shouted.

She slapped his cheek real hard then howled, "misunderstanding?! I saw the both of you kissing!"

'Shit,' Jungkook thought. He made a couple fight because of his misunderstanding, so while she was too distracted on battering her boyfriend, he escaped the trance of the both of them, not wanting to be involved in their quarrel.

Jungkook found a bench that was out of their reach and he had come to sit on it. Disappointment sculpted his facial features as he sighed of defeat. Never did he feel this much in which it weighed the corruption that Taehyung's loss had caused.

"Why? Why now?" He tilted his head backwards and flickered his eyes.


He saw Taehyung running towards him and he waved in the air, followed by patting the empty seat next to him, he asked with a grin on his face, "hi, did you buy anything?"

Taehyung shook his head and shared his story about earlier's event, with Jungkook screaming his name out.

"Wait, what again?" Jin couldn't hear much of what he said except for a few words as the small lounging area was noisy and obnoxiously filled with chatters of strangers.

"I heard a man shouting crazily while I was shopping, I got scared," he summarised his story and sunk on the couch tiredly.

"Shouting what?" Jin leaned closer to hear him.

"Some man's name," his forehead creased in confusion as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That guy must be missing someone," he crossed his long legs.

"Thank god I was not the one that he's calling, if that were me, I'd seriously run," he snorted after.

"But you wouldn't say the same if you were his partner, right?" Jin questioned.

"Oh I don't know honestly, but it scared the shit out of me," Taehyung answered back as he had his arms sprawled back on the chair.


Having nothing to do left, he left the plaza to go home.

Soon he reached the parking lot and pressed the button of his car key, buzzing as it was unlocked.

Carefully he stooped down to enter the car, he penetrated the key into the ignition and brought his car on the road.

His piercing glare and clenched angular jaw could scare just about anyone who would come across him. His strong hands squeezed on the steering wheel tightly.

'Why did this have to happen? How was I an idiot to think Taehyung's alive? How can I be so stupid for only one person?'

T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶g̶i̶n̶n̶i̶n̶g̶

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