Avatar Aang VS Samurai Jack

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A man in a white samurai gi, and a straw hat sat in the middle of a forest, his legs were crossed, his eyes were closed, and his hands were outstretched. As he sat there in silence, a young boy who had the tattoo of a blue arrow on his forehead zoomed in riding some sort of wind ball! He flew right past the man and smashed into a tree, breaking it! The tree is right about to fall on the samurai when all of a sudden it splits in half. The man in the white gi stands up, an angry voice in his head shouting "THAT CHILD INTERRUPTED OUR MEDITATING! YOU MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PUNISH HIM!" The boy stood up and scratched the back of his head "Sorry about that! I didn't mean to crash into that tree!" But the voice kept shouting in the man's head "DIDN'T MEAN TO!? D I D N ' T M E A N T O ! ? !" Samurai Jack sighs and draws his blade "You interrupted the Meditation Of A Samurai, so much so that my mind cannot be calmed... you must be punished" Aang looks shocked at Jack and says "I said sorry okay! I never meant anything!" Jack grips his blade tightly in his hand and Aang sighs, pulling out a wooden bo staff.

*Cue No More Heroes - Season Of The Samurai

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*Cue No More Heroes - Season Of The Samurai

Jack and Aang circle around each other, staring daggers at each other's face. Then, Jack starts to sprint towards Aang, and the Avatar pounds his fist forward, a powerful gust of air emerging from his knuckles, slamming Jack into a tree. Aang goes in for an attack but Jack jumps over him and lands behind Aang, taking a slash at his foe. Aang quickly created a wall of stone behind him, which stops the sword. Aang turned around and stomped the ground, the wall of stone rocketing towards the Samurai, but Jack kicks the barrier into little shards. Aang starts to move his hand in certain manners and the water from the trees and grass fly out and roll up into a ball of liquid. Aang directs the fluid towards his opponent, but Jack quickly leaps onto the water and runs at Aang, his sword raised in the air. Jack swings at Aang multiple times, but Aang is barely able to stop each strike with his staff. Aang attacks Jack with his weapon, but Jack stops it with his arm. Jack socks Aang in the face before slashing him in the chest. Aang stumbles back, blood leaking from his wound. Aang winces but continues to battle, slamming his staff into Jack's face, blood flying out of his mouth. Both of them stammer back, but Jack simply wipes his mouth, before leaping at Aang once more. Jack's sword is caught by Aang's staff, and a piller of stone slams into Jack's chest, fracturing a rib. Jack clutches his chest, and Aang's bleeding starts to make him feel a bit light headed. Jack starts to jump from tree to tree at superhuman speeds, attacking Aang from multiple angles. Aang is hardly able to stop the attacks using his bending. As Jack attacks him from behind, Aang fires off a shot of flame from his hand, scorching Jack's chest, stopping him in his tracks. Aang starts to attack Jack as much as he can, he strikes him with his bo staff by the chest, he attacks him with shots of lighting, he slams him into a tree with water and encases him in stone before firing off a gust of wind, breaking foliage. Jack stands up, his hair tie broken and the top half of his gi torn off. Jack has multiple cuts and wounds, but all that does is anger him, and Jack roars angrily. Rain starts to pour from the sky, making the blood from their injuries leak even more. Jack zooms towards Aang, and in blinding speeds he creates multiple wounds on his chest. The rain morphs into a blade like shape as Aang directs them towards his attacker. Jack is able to dodge most of the rain, some of the spikes piercing his body. Jack starts to slash so fast that the rain is cut in half, creating a sort of rain free dome around him. Aang blasts more lightning at his challenger, but Jack knocks the lightning away with multiple swings. Multiple spikes of stone sprout out of the ground and trail towards Jack, but he leaps high enough to dodge them and then proceeds to run towards Aang by stepping on the stakes as fast as he can. Jack is just about to deal the killing blow when Aang lets out a powerful gale of wind, directly hitting Jack and throwing him into another set of trees. Jack stands up, his sword just five feet away from him, but Aang starts to levitate, his eyes and markings turning into a bright blue, entering what is known as... the Avatar State. 

*Cue Avatar - Agni Kai

Aang gets surrounded in a ball of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. He sends multiple elemental attacks at Jack, but he avoids each one. Jack leaps at his sword, but a powerful blade shaped blast of wind severs his arm. Jack crumbles to the floor and screams out in pain, Aang preparing a final killing blow, but Jack grabs the sword! Aang uses another elemental attack but Jack stops it with one slash. 

*Cue Samurai Jack - Main Theme

Jack runs towards Aang at light speed, dodging each and every attack before cutting multiple boulders, flames, balls of water, and gusts of wind in half ((Somehow)). The "Foolish" Samurai raises his blade and deals the killing blow, cutting The Avatar in half. 

Jack lands on the ground, blood dripping from his blade, and his amputated arm bleeding heavily

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Jack lands on the ground, blood dripping from his blade, and his amputated arm bleeding heavily. Jack sticks Aang's bo staff into the ground before sheathing his blade and limping out of the forest, continuing his journey to defeat the evil Aku.



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