Shigeo Kageyama VS Yusuke Urameshi

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A dangerous demon stands in the middle of the street, attacking people, yet it just so happens... that the best people to deal with these things come onto the scene. Yusuke Urameshi spots the creature and sighs, pointing his finger at the evil spirit "Spirit..." he starts to shout... then all of a sudden, the spectre explodes. "What the hell?". Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama stands in front of him. "Hey! What was that for?!" Yusuke exclaims "I-I-I'm so sorry!" Mob says embarrassed. "You better be!" Yusuke says, yet in his mind... he thinks. This kid's pretty powerful, he could be dangerous if he falls into the wrong hands! I need to take him out! And quick! 

 This kid's pretty powerful, he could be dangerous if he falls into the wrong hands! I need to take him out! And quick! 

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*Cue Mob Choir - 100

"Sorry about this" Yusuke tells Mob, then... The Spirit Detective attacks! Mob's eyes widen, as a punch comes in contact with his face.
Mob : 78%
Mob lands on his butt as Yusuke runs in for another attack. "I don't want to fight!" Mob tells Yusuke "Sorry pal, but I have to stop you!" Yusuke swings his fist, but a barrier all of a sudden surround Mob, stopping the attack. Yusuke leaps off the barrier and points at him "Spirit Gun!" A bullet of pure spiritual energy destroys the barrier, sending Mob to the floor. Mob stands up slowly, blood dripping from his mouth. "Please... Just stop" Mob says. Yusuke zooms towards Mob, his hand glowing blue "Spirit... Punch!" As Yusuke makes the strike, Yusuke is stopped in the middle of his attack. "What the he-" All of a sudden, he is thrown onto the floor. Mob sighs "I don't want to do this but... you might hurt others" Mob tosses Yusuke into the sky. A boulder is ripped out of the ground and tossed at Yusuke. Yusuke quickly kicks it into nothing but dust as he starts to fall from the ground. "You gotta be kidding me!" Yusuke shouts as he rockets to the ground. Yusuke lands on his feet and aims his fingers at Mob again "Spirit Gun!" Mob tries to block the attack with another barrier, but he wasn't fast enough, Mob takes the hit head-on, sending him back.
Mob : 94%
Mob stands up slowly, blood seeping out of his head. "Why... are... you... doing... this?" Mob asks. Yusuke sighs "I'm just keeping people in check, and as much as I don't wanna do this, it has to be done" Yusuke leaps towards Mob, his leg glowing a bright blue. "Spirit... Ki-" Multiple rocks crash into Yusuke's chest, throwing him off-course and right into a dumpster. Mob holds out his palm and fires a beam at Yusuke, instantly creating an explosion. Mob sighs as a tear falls down his eye "I...I'm so sorry... But you raised my hand, and I couldn't just let you hurt others" Mob sighs and stumbles back, and then. Yusuke crashes out of the flames, his hair elongated and white, his chest marked with symbols. "Die" Yusuke says, a red beam shooting out of his finger. The beam strikes Mob in the chest, the student of Salt Highschool winces as he is shot back, burrying Mob into the ground. Yusuke scoffs and turns around, but as he leaves, a great spiritual energy forces him to stand in place. "What the hell?" Yusuke turns around and realizes Mob has transformed into some sort of... monster.

*Cue Mob Psycho 100 - Explosion Of Mob Feelings

Mob : 100%

"Can you feel that? My animosity..?" Mob scowls "It's time... that you went down" Yusuke's eyes widen "Demon... Gun!" A beam rockets towards Mob, but he flicks the attack easily. Mob zooms towards Yusuke and grabs him, shooting into the sky. "SHIT!" Yusuke screams as Mob rockets back towards the ground, flames surrounding them like an astroid. Yusuke and Mob crash into the floor, a giant crater being created. Mob throws Yusuke into a wall "Go down, and stay down" Mob glares at Yusuke. Multiple rocks crash into Yusuke, burying him into the wall. A giant boulder is telepathically thrown Yusuke, obliterating the wall. All of a sudden "I'm not going down that easily! DEMON GUN MEGA!" A giant blue shot hits Mob, an azure explosion cloaking the city. As the explosion fades Yusuke stands there, glaring at the ashes. As Yusuke walks away, a shockwave erupts.

*Cue Mob Choir - 99.9

A surge of energy obliterates Yusuke's demon form, sending him back to his normal state

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A surge of energy obliterates Yusuke's demon form, sending him back to his normal state. Mob stands up from the ashes, his body completely covered in spiritual energy. Yusuke stands back "What's with this freakin kid?!" Yusuke tries to move, but a mixture of spiritual energy and fear paralyzes him. "I-I-I can't... move!" Yusuke aims his finger, "Spirit Gun Mega!" But nothing comes out. Mob fires a beam at Yusuke, sending him back. Yusuke takes hundreds and thousands of attacks from unknown places "Aargh!" Yusuke growls as he is sent through multiple buildings and trees, Mob somehow appearing in every single place where Yusuke lands. As Yusuke crashes into the floor, Mob charges one more beam as he floats into the sky. Yusuke tries to stand up, but he is too tired to even move a finger. With all of Yusuke's energy, he grabs a small twig from the ground. He tosses it at Mob, but it disintegrates the moment in comes within 5 Meters of him. Mob fires the giant beam of spiritual energy towards Yusuke, The Teenage Delinquent stares at his impending doom and shouts to the top of his lungs "SCREW YOU! YOU FREAKIN BASTAAAAAARD!" The beam strikes Yusuke, disintegrating him on the spot. 

Slowly floating down unto the floor, Mob reverts back to his normal state

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Slowly floating down unto the floor, Mob reverts back to his normal state. Mob looks around him at the destruction he just caused... until then fainting onto the broken road.



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