Lasercorn VS Ninja Brian

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Lasercorn stands on the top of a castle, watching his friends fight monsters form far away "HAHA! YES PEASANTS! FIGHT FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT!". He hears a door open from below. He walks downstairs and sees Ninja Brian in front of a villager, stabbing him to death. Ninja Brian accidentally hits a sheep. Lasercorn's eyes widen and he busts out of the castle, "NO! MR. WOOLWIDE!" Lasercorn brings out a diamond sword and points it at the Rockstar "HAVE AT THEE YOU BITCH!" Lasercorn and Ninja Brian charge at each other. 

*Cue Ninja Sex Party - Atitude City

Lasercorn's sword and Brian's switch blade clash, a huge explosion blows away multiple houses and kills a dog, "NO CAPULET! YOU F%$#&R!" Lasercorn brings out a submachine gun and starts firing everywhere, none of which hit Brian. He then brings out a rocket launcher and starts to go crazy, Brian does a Luigi and stands there as explosions circle around both fighters. Brian shoots lasers from his eyes, which are instantly disintegrated by a deadly stare by Lasercorn. Both psychopathic murderers bring out a gun and shoot each other multiple times, Brian takes no damage as the bullets bounce right of him and Lasercorn uses his jump rope skills to dodge them. He brings out a bow and arrow and starts shooting at Brian, all the arrows break and light Brian's suit on fire, but he just stands there. Brian snaps his fingers and and multiple explosions fire off, Lasercorn brings out a baton and all the explosions explode again, no one except everyone who isn't Ninja Brian and Lasercorn gets killed. 

*Cue Ninja Sex Party - 6969

Lasercorn is all of a sudden in his weird ass rocket car "GO! HOPPY MCF$#K BOY!" Lasercorn rams his car into brian with the rocket modification, which explodes, sending both Lasercorn and Brian back. "JOKES ON YOU DICK! I BOUGHT THAT WITH FAKE MONEY!" Lasercorn brings out a shuriken that looks like a pizza and starts throwing them around, and Brian shoots them with his mind powers. Lasercorn's fists all of a sudden have sock n' boppers as he starts to clamber on to him and does his laser air raider attack. He Jumps back and brings out a white and black box "GO! TEDDY BEAR!" All of a sudden... a giant crater appears as Brian and Lasercorn stand in the middle. 

*Cue Ninja Sex Party - Everybody Shut up!

Lasercorn brings out his claws as Brian brings out his keyboard. He plays a note which blows shit up, but it doesn't faze the orange haired, psychopathic sociopath."FOR LASERCORNIA!" He shoust as Lasercorn leaps at Brian. He and Brian duel with their strongest weapons, claw vs piano, NINJA VS WARLORD! All of a sudden... both weapons explode as they are rocketed into the center of the universe. Lasercorn and Ninja Brian have ascended into godly forms, and they do one last thing... they stare at each other. Intense... powerful... universe destroying stares. Shockwaves and explosions happen, moons and planets, multiverses and stars couldn't stand up to this. Thanos snaps his fingers to end it but instead the Infinity stones explode and kill Thanos, but Lasercorn and Ninja Brian stand there, staring furiously at each other until... KA-BOOM! The current universe they were in explodes with the power of games, rock, sex, insanity, and staring. 


Lasercorn and Ninja Brian are warped into another universe and appear in front of each other. "Well... holy s&#t... we destroyed a universe... huh... NEW FOUND POWER MUHAHAHAHAHA! Okay good game" Lasercorn says shaking Ninja Brian's hand. They part ways as Ninja Brian returns to mr. Sexbang and Lasercorn returns to Lasercornia.



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