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Carol flies above an empty desert, searching for a very specific item. "I heard it was here somewhere!" She mutters frustrated... until, a green light shines from the ground. "There it is!" Carol lands onto the floor and picks up a small object... A Green Lantern Ring "I need this for research" Carol smiles "I don't think so miss!" A voice says as he walks into view. The Ring instantly zooms back to him "Hey! That's mine!" Carol says angrily "Actually... it's mine" The man says puts the ring on, instantly his clothes change into the black and green clothing of The Green Lantern. "Who are you?" Carol says "Kyle Rayner of Sector 2814, member of The Green Lantern Corps" Kyle answers "Never heard of you, but what I have heard of is that Ring, supposedly one of the most powerful things in the universe, I need it for research" Carol says, pointing at Kyle's finger "Woah! Woah! Woah! Absolutely not!" Kyle says, getting into a fighting stance "Fine. I wanted to do this peacefully but it seems that I'll have to take it by force" Carol opposes.

 I wanted to do this peacefully but it seems that I'll have to take it by force" Carol opposes

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*Cue Death Battle - MegaMania

Both heroes shoot into the sky as Carol zooms towards Kyle and makes multiple swings, all of which Kyle easily blocks. Kyle uppercuts Carol before firing a small shot of energy, which Carol counters by firing her own shot. The collision creates a small explosion, which Carol uses to punch Kyle twice, then she kicks him in the side. "Sorry pal, I need that ring!" Carol says as she takes a quick shot at Kyle. Kyle creates a forcefield and blocks the attack, before the forcefield morphs into a giant fist, uppercutting her and then punching her to the ground by transforming into a huge hammer. Carol lands into the sand with a crash as Kyle follows up his attack by creating a minigun "This Ring ain't for sale bucko!" Bullets start rain from the construct, as Carol quickly rockets past them and uppercuts Kyle with a powerful punch to the jaw. Carol grabs Kyle's collar and harshly punches him in the stomach before throwing him into the sky. Kyle quickly flies a wormhole and reappears behind Carol, firing a missile at her. It collides and explodes on impact, forcing her to crash unto the floor. A bus is then constructed as it slams into Carol, creating another blast, making a slight crater in the ground. Carol stands up unfazed, as she quickly soars into Kyle, bashing into him and shooting him onto the ground, "You're being a real annoyance, you know that right?" Kyle sighs as he stands back up. "There's still time, give me the ring!" Carol insists "You can rip it off my dead body" Kyle shouts "If that's how it is..." All of a sudden, Carol's hair starts to turn into a flame, her body illuminates as she smirks "...Then I will!" Carol whizes towards Kyle "Wait not what I mea-" All of a sudden, Carol grabs Kyle and zips around the planet multiple times before throwing him into the ground. "You've made you're choice, now time to face the consequences" Carol aims one hand at Kyle, who quickly stands up. Both fire a powerful beam. The beams collide, creating multiple shockwaves as they crash into each other... until, Carol's beam overpowers Kyle, rocketing into him and creating a huge eruption. Carol hovers unto the ground, transforming back into her base form before collapsing onto the floor. "That...was...tiring..." she sighs, sweat dripping from her face. All of a sudden, a bright white light glows from above as a familiar voice exclaims "I bet it was!" 

Kyle Rayner, The White Lantern, shouts from above.

*Cue Mob Psycho 100 - Explosion Of Mob's Feelings

"You can't be serious!" Carol yells angrily. She quickly rockets towards Kyle but as she does... a portal opens, trapping her in a pocket dimension. Kyle stands in front of her, the white glow still illuminating him as Kyle sighs "You really should've given up" Instantly, a construct surrounds Carol, trapping her "What the he-" Then, multiple jet planes rocket into Carol, the construct de-forming as the jets crash into her, making a gigantic explosion. Carol shoots out of the smoke towards Kyle, blood streaming from her body "You're going DOWN!" Carol attempts a punch but Kyle fazes through her. Kyle creates multiple rocket, bullet, buses, planes, and oil tanker constructs and fires them at Carol, making an even bigger explosion than any of the previous ones. The attack is so powerful, that it disintegrates Carol's arm, not before breaking multiple bones and making multiple scars in her body. Carol floats through the Pocket Dimension, barely alive as she mutters "S-S-Screw... you" She says, blood spurting out of her mouth. Kyle aims his arm towards Carol as he charges up another beam as he recites his oath...

"In Brightest Day, In Brightest Night
Let my Ring shine The Brightest Light
When evil comes I shall join the fight
The power of The White Lanterns...

Kyle fires the beam, hitting Carol point blank, she screams as the power of the Ring is too much to bear, and it disintegrates her.

Kyle flies out of the Pocket Dimension, and as he flies, he gets lower and lower until his Ring shuts off, and Kyle slips into unconsciousness

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Kyle flies out of the Pocket Dimension, and as he flies, he gets lower and lower until his Ring shuts off, and Kyle slips into unconsciousness. Kyle crash lands onto the sandy grounds as he slowly closes his eyes "That was a hell of... a... workout" He yawns, his eyes finally closing as The Lantern finally takes a rest.



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