Cole Macgrath VS Delsin Rowe

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To ya'll, I made it so that Cole has both Karmic abilities and powers, and Delsin doesn't need to absorb elements to activate them... so have fun with that


Delsin stands on the roof, talking on his phone "Yeah, yeah! I heard. There's this conduit that's been runnin' around, and I should go investigate" Delsin responds "Well that doesn't make sense! I- actually wait first, there's something I have to do" He says, staring at the sparks around him, leading somewhere. Delsin starts chasing the electricity into a subway. A bald man stands holding some kind of weapon. "Who are you?" Cole asks, "Just some... Joe Schmoe guy". Cole's hands spark with electricity, "I guess some Joe Schmoe wouldn't mind explaining why  they have... I don't know, powers?" Delsin rolls his hands into a fist and smiles, "Nah... but..."


*Cue Augustine's fight theme

Delsin shoots a beam of smoke from his hand, which collides with Cole's fire blast. Delsin shoots out his chain at Cole, which wraps around the AMP. Cole charges electricity into his weapon, which shocks Delsin, even paralyzing him into the spot. Cole pulls Delsin to him and grabs him by the neck and throws him off the roof. Delsin quickly turns into his neon form and speeds away. Cole grabs the chain wrapped around the AMP and throws it away. Cole jumps unto a train rail, chasing after Delsin. Cole leaps unto Delsin, gripping his AMP and hits him over the head. Delsin falls and grabs Cole by the collar and throws him into the floor, making a huge crack in the road. Delsin kicks Cole's chest with full force. Cole grabs Delsin's leg and sticks a bomb on, he then shoots Delsin in the face with electricity and runs away. Delsin explodes, sending him to the door of a nearby pub. Delsin opens the door and absorbs the TV, healing him. Cole wraps his hands around a utility pole and drains it. Both fighters stare at each other, Delsin grins and Cole smirks.

*Cue End of the road

Delsin sprouts wings and grabs Cole, rising up into the air and spinning around. Cole grits his teeth and tries to punch Delsin into letting go. Cole gets an idea, he makes an ice shield which pushes Delsin away, letting go of Cole. Cole grabs on to one of the rails and zooms away. Delsin turns into neon and chases him. He easily catches up and grabs Cole, he knees him in the back and throws him away unto the floor. Delsin shoots a ball of concrete into Cole's face, and he barrages him with his fists surrounded in concrete. Cole spits out blood and shoots a shockwave of electricity at Delsin, pushing him away. Cole holds his hands out and absorbs a generator's power.

*Cue The Final Piece

Cole turns around, rage in his eyes. He summons a tornado and launches it at Delsin, spinning him around and throwing him into a building. Cole makes a truck levitate and launches it at Delsin, creating an explosion that hurts Delsin extremely. Cole shoots a rocket at Delsin 3 times and grabs Delsin, hitting him with The AMP multiple times and he throws him into the air. Delsin swiftly shoots Cole in the chest, making Cole fall. Delsin launches into the air, and orbits down with smoke surrounding him. As Delsin rockets down, Cole shoots an ice rocket at him, freezing Delsin. He falls to the ground with a smash, and Cole sighs. "I want to finish this already" Cole says. Lightning rains from above, hitting Delsin and shattering him into chunks of ice. "There, you happy?" 


Cole brings out his phone and calls Zeke, "I got him... yeah... yeah sure I'll be there later" Cole puts the phone down and looks at the rooftops, "Can a guy get a break?". 



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