Chapter 48: A Silver Gun

Start from the beginning

         "Jungkook… its beautiful… you didn't-" Just then, Jungkook unraveled the necklace around his hand and then raised the silver chain to Jimin just to clip it on.

         "Don't say I didn't have to do this for you. Jimin, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me! you deserve the world… Not just a necklace and not just any world, my world." Jungkook mentioned as Jimin looked at the charm of the silver swan and rose his gaze back onto Jungkook before smiling happily and moving his head in to kiss his boyfriend. "I bet you didn't think I celebrated the months, did you? Every month with you is worth celebrating."

          "I love you, so much…" Whispered Jimin to his lover's ear out of all the love he could muster from this sweet moment. "Then, let's… Spend our anniversary together… we could schedule our mission for another rainy day. Today is our one month anniversary. I didn't really think you would do something for me on our first month… so, let's do something and spend the day together."

          "Well, we do need to report the group by tomorrow… Why don't we do the mission today and after, we can spend time together. It won't take long. Our missions are only half an hour! We'll have time to come back and watch the rain together!" Jungkook promised Jimin with a caring smile over his face. "In a few hours into the afternoon, rain is predicted to fall." Jungkook mentioned as Jimin only distracted himself by holding Peanut up in his arms and staring at him with such care. "What's wrong? Is it the necklace?"

          "No, it's not the necklace… I just feel like something is going to happen." Jimin mentioned and all Jungkook did was pull his lover close just to kiss his forehead carefully. "Jungkook… Listen to me…"

         "I am! I just think you're nervous… That's all. I promise, nothing bad will happen today…" Jungkook assured as Jimin only let out a sigh while he hugged Peanut closer. Throughout the whole day, rain didn't pour until the day stretched further into the afternoon. This was when the sun fell further down. Eventually, the rainstorm kicked in and covered the sun with the Grey clouds ahead. Forming such a dark sky that seemed rather intimidating than before. As the couple walked to the base with an umbrella they shared, Jimin noticed the rain fall harder onto the pavement than any object that was drawn to the ground by gravity. Jimin however, took this as a sign.

         "It's raining harder than I thought… I'm surprised I've been doing this for far too long and I've never gotten sick! Jungkook mentioned as he let out a chuckle right after. There, Jimin slowly fixed his vision onto Jungkook where the younger still walked with Jimin to the base.

        "Maybe it's a sign! We should fall back and forget the mission." Jimin added as Jungkook scoffed and kept walking. No matter what, Jungkook didn't listen and this was enough to make Jimin feel helpless. There was no way Jimin had any plans on leaving Jungkook alone either. Even when it rains, Jimin knew he couldn't convince his lover as soon as they reached the base and geared up for the mission. Every second Jimin spent putting on his mask and slipping on his black attire along with a bulletproof vest, his heart grew heavy as he hid his swan necklace underneath the black coat.

         Jimin took a look at himself in the mirror of the office and then listened to Jungkook ordering his gang, telling them the mission at hand and everyone cheered him and respected the leader's words. Everyone except for Park Jimin. Jimin kept trying to think of ways to bail out of it, but he knew he couldn't make the gang upset. As Jimin stepped out of the office, Seokjin approached him and rose the mask over his face just to look at him in concern.

         "Jimin, are you okay? You don't look too good… you should stand down from this mission…" Seokjin worried like a Mother to Park Jimin and stepped closer just to see Jimin hide his own worries behind his Kitsune mask. "What's wrong? Are you pregnant?"

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