When You Think About Him: Mikey

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You were sitting on your bed thinking about your orange clad turtle friend. He seemed pretty cool. You were hoping to see him again. You decided to look for him. You walked outside in the cold looking for a manhole. As soon as you found one You ran to it and climbed down. It was quiet besides the few drips you heard occasionally. Then you heard what sounded like a skateboard. It got closer, until you finally saw him. "Mikey!" You yelled with a smile. It must have startled him, since his eyes widened and he fell off of his skate board

"Ah, dude, what are you doin' down here?" He asked as he rubbed his head.

"Lookn' for you." You said honestly.

"Well, you definitely found me." He said with a smile.

"Mikey, where are you?" Yelled another voice.

"Talkin' to a friend, bro." He shouted back.

"T-there's more of you?" You asked.

As if on cue, the other three walked into view. They stood next to Mikey.

"Guys this is (Y/N), (Y/N) meet, Donnie, Leo, and Raph." He said with a proud look.

"Nice meeting you." Leo said with a slight bow.

"Greetings" Donnie said with a smile. Raph only grunted.

"There are more of you." You said as you backed up.

"You kind of just said that." Mikey stated as he scratched his head.

"This is awesome!" You shouted.

"So you're like, not scared?" Leo asked.

"Of course not." You said softly.

You and the guys continued discussing how they had gotten in the sewer. You were truly fascinated by the whole story. After a while it was getting late so you decided it was time to go. Mikey helped you out of the sewer and you headed home.

Alright guys, sorry It's short. I'm preparing for a meeting tomorrow. I will update more either tonight or tomorrow. Also, I shell be getting to the fluffy stuff very very soon. Keep rearing and vote, you guys!


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