Someone Finds Out: Leo

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You watched Leo take off into the night, gracefully jumping off of each rooftop. As he faded into the distance and you could no longer see him, You pulled out a little silver pointy thing. You walked out of your room to go find your step sister, Lagetha. She was sitting in the kitchen combing her long blonde hair.

"Guess what?" You say as you entered the room and sat on the counter swinging your legs.

"What now, (Y/N)" she asked sounding a little annoyed.

"I totally have something show you" You said with a smile.

"What is it?" She asked, sounding a little more interested. You pulled out you pointy thing and slid it to her.

"W-where did you get this?" She asked in a whisper.

"I uh, I just found it. Y'know on the ground, where ya walk." You stated awkwardly twirling a piece of your hair.

"(Y/N), this is a ninja star." She said in a baffled tone.

"It's cool right?" You asked with a smile.

"This means there are Ninja in New York. Ninja (Y/N)." She shouted.

You officially thought she had gone crazy. Before you knew it, Lagetha was running out of the door with your new collectible. You shrugged it off and stomped to your room. An hour later the news came on.

"There are Ninja amoung us folks, beware. This ninja star was recently found by a young girl...."

You didn't even finish it, all you knew is that you were in big trouble.

When Lagetha came home, she gave you your star back with a smile and hug.

"Thank you so much (y/n) I'm finally going to get some respect around there" she stated as she ran upstairs.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna die." You said dramatically. You grained as you walked outside into the night time. You decided on seeing a movie, that was until you heard a thud behind you, followed by three more. You quickened your pace but was stopped abruptly by a three fingered hand over your mouth followed by something over your eyes. This is it, You thought.

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