Someone Finds Out: Mikey

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You were running to your apartment with your phone in hand.

"Anastasia!" You yelled as you ran into your home.

"What?" She said quietly. Anastasia was always quiet.

"Look at what I have." You said as you plopped on the couch next to her, causing her to wobble. You pulled out the Nunchucks and your phone.

"Where'd you get these? " she asked as she raised an eyebrow and fiddled with the chucks.

"I'll show you." You said as you took out your phone. You pulled up the picture of Donnie and showed it to her.

"What the- this is so fake" She said with a look that made you feel dumb.

"Really? I'll show you!" You said as you dragged her out of the house. You led her to the nearest manhole and opened it. You looked up at her.

"They are down here." You said as you climbed down.

"I am not going into a sewer!" She yelled and crossed her arms.

"Don't be such a baby." You hissed.

"I swear, there are talking turtles down here." You whined.

"(Y/N), I trusted you to not tell anyone." A sad sounding voice came from behind you. It was Mikey. Anastasia's eyes were wide as could be.

"I'm telling mom!" She yelled as she ran away.

"I'm sorry to do this but-" Mikey stated as he covered your mouth and picked you up. Next thing you know, you were thrown in front of the other turtles.

You awkwardly waved and chuckled. "Hey guys." You squeaked.

"You're in trouble." Leo stated

Sorry for the delay. I'm at a church event and stuff ^^ hope you enjoy.

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