chpt 5) afterparty, the crystal contracts and the press conference

Start from the beginning

they agreed and smiled at me.

RM: well to be honest half the artists have left to design their rooms and the other half are being dragged back to practice.we are probably going to go home.cause we designed our rooms in the morning.we are all somewhat we will be heading off...but what you said, your right.we also know what they are like.monsters created by capitalism.

JUNGKOOK: im quite energetic.i might go out for a bit.

me: im walking home and going to Hongdae.ill be off now.bye

jungkook: can i come with you?id rather have our security teams together.and i can get a cab home from yours or just stay in the guest room.

me: umm...sure. i don't really mind.okay david is my ST ready?(he nods).and jungkook yours is right there so we can just go now?

RM: okay well we are going home.i guess ill see you soon

they waved goodbye as me and jungkook began heading towards my car.

we got into the backseats.i was surprised to find harry there i forgot he exists.great i have to take him with us.we got in and we drove to hongdae.i looked out the window and my mother began speaking to me about harry's family.i barely payed attention.

as we arrived me and jungkook put on hats, sunglasses and fake masks. harry choose to get driven home.i said goodbye to him and me and jungkook began walking.its harder to move around when your a celebrity because our security teams form circles around us just in we had about seven people in uniform and three in regular clothes.alothough bighit uniform is just black clothing with a is still recognisable by sasaengs..

its around midnight .there were some street dancers.i watched as they danced to my song.i smiled brightly. i looked around and saw about three people on the street and four others drunk beyond their limit.i quickly spoke to david and ran next to the dancer.i danced with her and we both my song came to an end i hugged her and whispered that she is a better dancer.i took off my mask and she looked shock.she swore a few times in disbelief and hugged me again.i smiled.she asked if she could post her video of us dancing(street performers in korea always record themselves).i agreed.

me and jungkook waved and left.after a few minutes in a store we both bought a few things and left.i looked back and saw a few girls walking towards me and jungkook really quickly.david poked me and whispered in my ear that it was one of my sasaengs.i quickly told jungkook and we all agreed that we had to get back into the car now.we all ran towards the car as we soon realised that more people were coming out of the time we got in the girls were just turning the corner into the car and jungkook ducked under the windows . we drove away, not caught by the obsessive fans

i got into my bed and slept.slightly annoyed that i have to get up at 5 am tomorrow

it was the day after the exhausted.i woke to david spilling water on my face.i screamed in shock.i looked at my clock and im fifteen minutes behind scedule.this mean i will have to cut breakfast out.i ran into the shower and quickly come out .i grabbed some clothes as i out on some hair was in a high pony tail.

david guided me into the car and i put on a face mask.we drove into the crystal.

i headed into each house and greeted the artist and their CEO.they all signed the contracts and photos were taken as evidence.i had one copy of the contract, they had lawyers were behind me and they collected all of my copies of the contracts. we started at around 7am but we finished by 3pm.tommorow was the press conference then the meetings and then it's moving day.lovley.

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