6 Years | Carol

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Your POV
It's been 6 years.

6 years since your heart was filled with love

6 years since you last dated someone

6 painful years without her.

Carol had died in a plane crash 6 years ago leaving you, Maria and Monica grieving for some time.

Before Carol died you two had been going 2 years strong and you two were engaged and planned to get married but the crash happened and you never got to.

You kept the ring that you to gave her. You carried it on a necklace along with the other half of her dog tag that was found from the crash.

You, Carol, and Maria were in the Air Force. You fixed and managed the planes while they flew them. You three had met when you were fixing their planes.

You and Maria were now out of the Air Force and you two lived in Louisiana.

Right now you were outside fixing the plane that Maria had when Monica came running to you.

"What's up Lieutenant." I said wiping my hands with the rag I had in my back pocket.

"Auntie Carol is back! You have to come see." She said grabbing my hand and dragging me back to the house.

We got to the house and there she stood. Carol Danvers but she had some guy behind her holding a cat.

"Maria." I said looking at her then back at Carol.

"That's her. That's our Carol." She said.

"How? Your supposed to be dead." I said.

"I know but I had things to happen to me and I'm here now. I promise I will explain it all. I don't know who you are but I'm getting these visions about people." She said.

"Maybe this can help." Monica said and went and got some stuff of Carol's.

"This is when we had a cake fight for my birthday. Y/n was sneezing cake for 2 days." She said making us laugh.

"That wasn't funny I got cake in my favorite shirt." I said.

Monica showed her some more pictures and things.

"Do you know where the other half of my dog tag is." She asked and Maria and Monica looked at me.

I took the necklace from my shirt. I always kept it tucked under my shirt.

"Right here." I said and she looked at the ring and she spaced out for a minute or two before coming back.

"You're Y/n. We met in the Air Force with Maria when you would work on our planes." She said and I nodded.

"Can you remember anything else." I asked hoping that she remembered.

"August 18." She said and we looked each other in the eye. Maria took Monica and the guy outside to Carol and I could talk.

"The day we got engaged." We both said and we both smiled.

"May 15 was the day we were supposed to get married." She said and I nodded.

"I kept the ring because I knew somehow you would come back." I said taking the necklace off and opening taking the ring off. She spaced or again for another minute.

"I remember! I remember everything now!" She said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"So there's one more thing I have to do." I said and got down one knee.

"Carol Danvers since the first time didn't obviously work out I hope the second will but will you marry me." I said.

She giggled and nodded.

"Yes." She said and I stood up and put the ring in her finger. I kissed her and it felt like everything was back to normal.

"Is there something we missed here." Maria asked and Carol held her hand up.

"Yay! You're getting married." Monica said and hugged both of us.

"Congratulations." The guy said.

"Oh right, Y/n this is Nick Fury, Firy this is Y/n my now fiancé." She said.

"Nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

"I think we should celebrate." Maria said.

"Cake!" Monica yelled and we all laughed.

"No cake fight though, I don't want to sneeze cake for 2 days again." I said making everyone laugh.

We ate cake while Carol explained to us about everything that happened and honestly I was just glad that she was home safe except for her powers.

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