"So how is your dad now?" Belle asks, staring straight ahead as they walked their laps of the park

"Stepdad" Taron corrects, "Yeah I um- left"

Taron didn't hold back this time, he was going to tell Ms Jefferson but Belle walked in. Although they'd just met, Taron felt something different with her, something he'd never felt for someone before. Even if there was something always in his mind telling him that he should hold back and not reveal too much; he'd been secretive for so long. He'd got so good at it that maybe just revealing a few things to only a couple of people would be worth it. Talking about his experiences did help a little, there was no denying that.

"Left the house?" Belle's eyes widen in shock, to be fair to her all she knew was that Taron had an argument, nothing more.
"I was going to fully run away, but my exams are soon and I at least want to get my grades before I properly leave" He explained, staring ahead as he thought through the process.
"Isn't it a bit extreme to like, just run away because you had an argument. I mean I have arguments with my parents a lot, but I'd never leave. I'd have nowhere to go - where are you staying?" Belle just speaks her thoughts, something she rarely does. But she did feel comfortable with Taron, there was something about the fact he'd taken his guard down around her; meaning he felt comfortable and if Taron felt comfortable with her she should reciprocate. 

"The only family I have in that house is my mum, I don't know where my dad is - maybe that's something I should do now I'm out. Mum told me to leave, said it'd be the best thing for me. I haven't spoken to her since I left two weeks ago. I'm scared to go back there in case he's there. He'll fuck me up if I go back and I can't be doing with that. He's done enough damage as it is"

Taron spoke in short, simple sentences, trying to make sense of his thoughts himself as well as tell Belle.
"I've put up with his shit for ten years now, the way he treats my mum it's-" He pauses and Belle looks up to see Taron's face turn emotionless as he was holding back tears, "It's despicable"

"Taron" Belles' voice is quiet, but it draws Taron's attention right to her eyes and they both stop. Looking into each other's eyes, Taron gulps thinking about everything he's just said and fighting back tears.
Belle throws his arms around Taron's waist and just hugs him, gently rocking in his arms as he involuntarily puts his arms around her small frame. Savouring this moment as they stand in the park, passersby taking no notice of the beautiful moment happening in front of them.

Taron kisses the top of Belle's head, the amount of comfort she is bringing into his lonely world is indescribable. No words are shared, everything is being said in their actions.

"Where are you staying?" Belle asks, looking up at Taron who looks down at her with possibly the saddest eyes she's ever seen.
His whole face was frowning almost, she could see the bags under his eyes and the way the blemishes in his skin looked more prominent than when she saw him two weeks ago.

Taron stared into her eyes and she could almost see the excuses flashing past them. What should he say?
"Anywhere" He finally shrugged, "The running away thing isn't as cool as it sounds" He managed to crack a smile, but it a weird way it made him look even sadder. The forced happiness being forced onto a face of pure misery and hurt.

This was the worst Taron had felt about his situation before, just as everything seemed to get better everything came crashing down again. That's possibly why this hurts so much more, he has a direct comparison from good to shit.

"At friend's houses?"
Taron scoffed at that word, as if.
"Nah, just about" He shrugged again, trying to act as though he wasn't fazed by any of this. He was Taron after all, he should probably carry a knife. Maybe that would go with the threatening aura he was trying to give off.
"On the street, Taron you can't just sleep on the street in London - are you mad?" Belle looked so worried about his safety, something Taron didn't know how to react to. No one had ever cared about his whereabouts before. Mainly because he didn't tell people where he was because it was either in rehearsals or at this park with the wrong people doing the wrong things. What was the point in telling anyone that?

"How long have you been out here for?" Belle continued, her eyes narrowing a little as if she was trying to piece together this complex puzzle. Taron never made it easy for people to suss him, another skill he'd mastered.

"I left the night I met you, it's not that bad though honestly"
"Until some drunk comes walking past and attacks you" Belle mumbled but Taron heard
"Why would you care anyway" He snaps and instantly regrets it. Belle doesn't react though, she just sighs because truthfully she doesn't know how to answer that. She doesn't know why she'd quickly developed a level of care for a man she'd just met. Let alone the fact that said man was someone that was quite honestly feared and never thought of as vulnerable. But she saw past that, the instant she met him.

"You should probably be getting home anyway, I'll walk you back" Taron began walking in the direction of Belle's house to which Belle quickly followed. Catching him up as he walked ahead, not wanting to take the conversation about his homelessness any further.

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