25. After

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Third Person Pov

Johnny sat in his office, putting his last picture into a box. It was a picture of all of the guys eating dinner together.

He hears the door open and looks up to see Taeyong and Yuta enter. They both look at him in surprise and confusion. Johnny walks around his desk, looking at both of them with a serious face.

"As you both can see, I am resigning from my position as CEO of Seo. Inc," Johnny explains. Shock overtakes both of them.

"I have decided that since this is my company, I need to put the best leaders at the front of it. I have chosen those leaders to be you.

Lee Taeyong, Nakamto Yuta, do you accept the position of CEO and Co CEO of Seo Inc.?"

It took a few moments for the pair to form words as to how they felt but Taeyong finally stutters out an answer.

"Y-Yes, of course. It would be an honor!"

Johnny hugs both Taeyong and Yuta in a prideful and professional kind of way.

"I know you both will do good work," he says, handing Taeyong the keys to the building.

"Now help me put my things in the car."


"Wow, I feel like it's been forever since we've seen you guys," Taeil says, holding the mic in awe.

It was the first fan meeting since Doyoung was officially free from physical therapy. He wasn't injured bad enough to where he'd never get to dance again but he was stuck with a slight limp.

"Yes, thank you all so much for waiting for us," Doyoung says. The crowd cheers which causes the three of them to smile.

There was nothing the trio loved more than meeting with the fans. They were the heart of their work. The group would be nothing without them.

The next two hours go by to quickly for the three idols and the fans. Soon they are standing, ready to say their goodbyes.

"I hope everyone had an amazing day today. It was so much fun meeting you all," Taeil says.

"Actually, I'd like to make this day a little more special," Jaehyun pipes up. Taeil and Doyoung turn to look at him.

"Doyoung, we've been together for a while. We've been through thick and thin, good and bad, beautiful and ugly. I was wondering if you'd do me the honor of being my husband and spending the rest of our lives together," he says, getting down on one knee, pulling out a black velvet box.

The two had come out about their relationship after everything happened. There was obviously some backlash but they were mostly accepted.

Doyoung stood there in shock, eyes wide, mouth agape. He could feel the tears coming to his eyes as he clasps his hand over his mouth, nodding. The crowd begins cheering loudly as Jaehyun slips the ring on his finger.

"I love you," Doyoung says, pulling the younger into a tight embrace.

"I love you more."


Taeil opens his eyes to sunlight seeping into his room. He turns over to face the blue haired male that occupied the other half of his bed. He moves closer to him, enjoying the warmth.

"Good morning," Taeyong says with a sleep laced voice, placing his arm around the smaller.

"Morning," Taeil responds, placing a kiss on Taeyong's cheek. A small blush settles on the other's face as a sheepish smile appears on his lips.

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