"I didn't know these necklaces were like that," he mused, eyeing the pendant of his necklace. "Since this was my fault, I feel like I should accept everything you say, so you have every right to do whatever you want if it means helping our situation."

I looked up at him with wide eyes and surprise written across my face. He was being so understanding, and hearing that I could do whatever I wanted was quite startling. It somehow felt like my whole being was accepted by his body and soul.

I suddenly felt at ease.

"Whatever I want?" I repeated.

He nodded, biting the insides of his cheeks. "About Miryeong," he whispered, still unable to make eye contact with me.

"I thought about it," I sighed. "I won't break up with her."

He finally looked up at me. "What?"

"She doesn't deserve it. Someone like her deserves a loving boyfriend and I feel like I should... at least act like it... That's what my brain is telling me."

A frown spread across his face. "What?"

I nodded vigorously. "My brain. Your brain... Why are you frowning?"

"I just-" He blinked repeatedly before looking away. "I don't know."

"Well anyway, I don't think I can breakup with her anytime soon..." I sighed while playing with a small cluster of rice with my chopsticks. "But I'm not saying that we shouldn't- um, you know..."

"Yeah, I know," he muttered before leaning back on his chair.

A sudden snort made me look up at him. He was trying so hard to hold in his laugh.

"What's so funny?" My eyebrows crashed together for I somehow felt offended.

"Sorry, it's just," he spluttered out while covering his mouth, his eyes forming crescent shapes. "Why are we so awkward? We can't even talk to each other properly."

"And that's funny?" I narrowed my eyes, quirking an eyebrow.

"If you don't take everything seriously, yes." His laughter quietened down and his gaze fell on my plate as he mused, "I... miss how we were before... I miss your shamelessness, bluntness, quirkiness, and loud mouth... All we've been like together lately were... distant and tense... like we've never even met before..."

The squeezing sensations in my chest made it harder to breathe. I missed how we were before, too. Perhaps even more than him.

I would give anything to go back to how we were a few years ago.

"I hope we can go back to how it was..." A ghost of a smile lingered on his lips. "And I hope it happens soon."

A whimper and a sob were bubbling at the bottom of my throat, but I swallowed them and gave Jungkook a smile instead.

"I'm sorry for being so erratic, Kookie."

His eyes were wide and shocked as they stared at me.

"I realized that I shouldn't hold grudges against you because it really was my fault from the beginning..." My smile faltered a bit, remembering his harsh words, but I forced myself to stay positive. "The earrings... the parting... Really, they were all on me. I try not to cause you trouble, but it seems like bothering you is all I do..."

He suddenly grabbed my hands, holding them tightly, and his expression turned miserable.

"The things I said to you, please forget them," he begged with a quivering voice. "I understand that you did them for my sake. I was blinded by my pain that I put all the blame of my suffering on you when in fact, it wasn't anyone's fault... It just happened that way... I just wish you were a little bit selfish, but you're so kindhearted, I don't know what to do..." He chuckled a little at the end.

I wish that, too...

What would have happened if I was selfish and never cut you off...?

"But it's no use bringing up the past now... Let's focus on the now." He reached his hand for me to shake with a sweet grin. "Truce?"

With a suppressed smile, I took his hand, shaking it. "Peace."

We stared at each other with goofy smiles on our faces and broke into laughter.


A/N: I'm graduating tomorrow omg 😭

___________________________A/N: I'm graduating tomorrow omg 😭

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I can't believe I'm a working adult now 😭😭

I'm on a bus right now and I got late for work bc of the f-king congestion... Living in the countryside sounds real good rn...

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